On 7/11/2008 kurt23hrs started a topic Surrogate Register Signers which generated considerable discussion. On 7/17 Kurt asked, "What happens to the register books when they are full, where are they stored?" I subsequently responded that the 1883-1941 summit registers have been preserved as part of a collection at UC Berkeley's Bancroft Library titled "Sierra Club Mountain Registers and Records 1860-2005."
The natural question then followed, "What about the registers since 1941? What will be the fate of the 2008 register currently on the summit?" The Wilderness Office of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park directed me to Park Curator Ward Eldridge. After a long week at work, I finally gave Mr Eldridge a call and he promptly and kindly answered my questions. All the Mt Whitney registers since 1979 are stored in the Park Archives at the Park Administative Offices in Three Rivers. The official US Government register paper is supplied and removed from the summit register by the Crabtree ranger. The stack of signed sheets for a year (containing thousands of signatures) typically stands one and a half inches high, Mr Eldrige notes. Thus, it does not present a storage problem. The existence/location of Mt Whitney registers for 1942-1978 remains an unsolved problem. No other summit registers are kept by the Park.
Periodically, summit registers from other Sierra Peaks make their way to the collection at the Bancroft Library. To learn of an effort to care for summit registers on the other big peaks in the Range of Light, one is referred to Harry Langenbacher's Sierra Peaks Summit Register page (