Oh well is all I can say only the stupid survive. Look at the world.
Say what?
So, I/we am/are stupid? Well, pal, welcome to the/our "world."
You left yourself wide open on this "classification," Nextdrink. I didn't read the previous posts.
Survivors in our unique sort of way, but not stupid.
Survivors...hmmm...let's see victims of crime (i.e. gunshots), war wounded, cancer, illness...they/we are not "stupid."
I am sure you have "survived" something in YOUR life, and I am sure you learned something from it no matter how "trivial" it was.
The only "stupid" thing I have done was to father two kids...I repeated my parents' "mistake." Yes, that is the way I look at it. Yeah, I contributed to the gene pool. I lost one of them in September 2005. But I can say that...been there...done that...that's the price I paid for being "stupid" for allowing one of my offsrping to join the military. Oh, well, life goes on for + @ti2d! Can't spell "s-t-u-p-i-d" without "positive attitude."
Life is a lesson...everyday...I hate what I have done...but I keep living...guess that makes me a "survivor" in my unique sort of way...positive attitude...yep, that is all I need right now.
Maybe I am taking this too far with this "stupid" thing, but let me tell you this, Nextdrink...
Since I am "stupid," I'll teach you a thing or two on how I have/can survive/survived anytime/anywhere.
Enjoy life, and most importantly...
Have fun!