Howdy All,
I haven't been to the Sierras since my failed winter attempt to summit Whitney with King Arthur and Richard P on the MR last April.
I've been revising a book for the last month and pretty much going stir crazy. I've also had increased back and neck pain due to have seven spinal fusions (four lumber, three neck). I'm pointing this out in case anyone wonders why my gait is so odd <g>.
A hiking friend e-mailed me asking about snagging a Whitney permit, which was the motivation I needed. Starting calling last week and, thanks to the unsettled fall weather, scored three spots for last Sunday. We stayed at the Whitney Hostel.
Indie Jack (cancer survivor who hikes wearing two knee braces), Hengst Joe (71 year old German stud) and the blond started at 4:30 AM. I've snowshoed with both of these gentleman and knew their capabilities. We were also prepared for bad weather. I started in my customary shorts and t-shirt -- just think of a polar bear. We kept leap frogging a nice group of "kids." By 11.5, my hands were hurting enough that I donned mittens and fleece. We took a short break at Trail Camp before tackling the switchbacks.
About half-way up, we ran into fairly consistent snow coverage. The last switchback before Trail Crest was a bit unnerving with respect to footing -- just enough snow to slip -- not enough for crampons. Took a short break at Trail Crest to put on pants and discuss options (couldn't see a damn thing as exemplified by Richard's picture). Joe headed down, Jack and I headed up.
I heard my name being called at about 14 K. Turned around to see Richard P (!) on his 99th Whitney. Richard jokingly said that he had a message from Doug for me to turn around. We all laughed. Richard went ahead and we continued to slog our way up the final 500 feet. I was stuggling more than usual at this point. At last the summit hut materialized in the fog.
Jack and I signed in right under Richard's name and went over to the summit rocks to look for the plaque. The kids joined us on the summit. I finally located the right rock and dusted the snow off the plaque for the obligatory summit pictures. We headed into the hut for a quick lunch. Two guys from an original group of nine came in right as Jack and I headed out. Their group had been progessively wittled down by the weather and challenge that is always Whitney.
We made our way back along the ridge to Trail Crest and were finally treated to a beautiful view. It started hailing before the cables but stopped by the time we reached Trail Camp. I stripped back down to shorts and tee-shirt and we began the laborious uneven descent over the rocky trail to Mirror Lake. Took a Cadbury chocolate and mental break as were both pretty done at this point. Finally, finally we crossed the logs and enjoyed the gentle, sweeping switchbacks back to the Portal. I went ahead, said hi to Earlene as she was cleaning up and found a soft spot on the trailhead rocks to lay on. The kids and Indie Jack showed up as the sun started to set.
Thank you, blessed Whitney, for granting us permission to summit. Congratulations to Indie Jack for his first Whitney summit in less than ideal conditions. We'll be back again next summer so Hengst Joe can complete the journey.
Miles of smiles,
Last edited by Ellen Coleman; 10/05/10 09:23 PM.