...SUBIE'S BACK!! That's right, we brought the little snow warrior home yesterday

So, how exactly do you get a car out of a mile long stretch of 2-3 feet of snow? An expensive tow bill? No. Some heavy duty offroad equipment? No, doesn't work either. A few select individuals expressing their negative attitude about the situation? Nope..., no..., definitely didn't do it!
All it took was a few determined people, a few snow shovels and some (albeit little) help from Mother Nature. Our first attempt came the last two days of the year. Temps were frigid (about 14-17F) but we had to give it a shot. Day one went relatively well and the sun exposed upper section of the road was in our favor; we managed to get the car down about 0.35-0.4mi.
Day two was tough; we were now in the more shaded areas and had to deal with deep unconsolidated powder and some hard icy snow in the middle; a bad combo for clearance on the car. In the early afternoon, we had made little progress and the morale was down a bit when we realized we couldn't get it down that day. We warmed up in the car, re-energized and moved the car a bit further down so it was in a safe spot away from rockfall and decided to come back. We probably only moved it 0.15mi orso that day. Time to head home and ring in the New Year.
Yesterday, we came back determined to get it home. The snow still wasn't very consolidated but less deep, so it was looking good. Then, we ran into Dave, Doug and John (members on the forum here) who were hiking up the road and were rather excited to offer their help

. With this extra manpower, we had the car down the rest of the way in roughly 2 hours!
All in all, a little determination and team work got the job done. We actually had a few good laughs along the way and met a bunch of great people offering their help through a push, some shoveling or just some moral support (thank you so much everyone!!!). A few pics and vids can be found below.
Moral of the story: when sh*t hits the fan, go clean it up!!
Yours truly,
The Master Shoveler team - where snow meets its match

The Master Shovelers being enthusiastic on the first day (one member being behind the camera)

Breaking it loose (vid)
The final and by far longest run! (vid)

Furious victory pose

Great success!