Sunrise on Summit....
Since I cancelled MR for this weekend I took advantage of the Cesar Chavez holiday and hit the trail at 1:50am this morning took Register Ridge up, soft snow,postholed couple of times to my thigh mostly the postholeing was at the calf. One time i must have hit a hole between two rocks went up to my waist..
After the trees the snow firmed up and the wind increased at this point I put another layer of gloves on and my hardshell along with my mircos, when I arrived at Hardwood 5am I had to neal for the wind was strong so I could see the dessert lights and a long line of cars snakeing along 15 heading south..As I crossed the saddle the wind incresed at one point my poles and hands were heading south I leaned my head into the wind was headed north and my body was going west(how cool is that)..
After I got to the other side up a ways at the rock band I made a turn and all of a sudden it was a warm wind I noticed right away on my lips(weird)..Got to summit at 6:10 and it was a nice 35deg. and the wind wasnt blowing as hard on summit... Before leaving summit I put poles away and got axe and put my mircos on (only used mircos maybe 20min. from manker to the summit)..
Went down main chute heel first tell I got past all the crappy snow and dirt then glicaded down the rest of way, the second half of main chute I had to help myself push as the snow even at 7:45am is already soft...
Met 5 people coming up on my way down including Kurt W. with a clinet getting him ready for Mt. Mckinley in May..
Got back to car at 8:50 7hrs on the nose...
Also did someone lose a flashlight a 1/4 the way up R/R..
]Sunrise on baldy