Hi Burt,
I agree with you 100%. Those three sing posts along the right side of the slope should be moved to the "ORIGINAL" trail, left side of the slope runs in rocky area. I have seen many new paths or used trails created by erosion from rain and snow and careless hikers over last 13 years. Those 3 new sign posts were placed along the "RAIN DRAINAGE", not a "USED TRAIL". There are so many used trails other area beside the original trail.
I have hiked down the section today. It is very dangerous either going up or down. It is good for bighorn sheep, not average hikers or tourists.
The damage to the slope along this EIR approved trail has expanded beyond repair already.
https://photos.app.goo.gl/qnE9fN6fYFOQCX9k1 The situation looks like someone trying to fix a broken water pipe by adding a new bypass pipe without shutting off the old pipe with many sub system.
Now, the entire hill side or slope is subject to total destruction. The new signs will promote the damage more, not protecting the environment or protecting the safety of the public.
I hope that the authority should spend many weekends on the trail for evaluating the pattern of traffic of hikers before
erecting the signs which don't serve to the public or environment.
Hope, someone can fix them as soon as possible.
Hi Southbay Mark, it was very nice to see you again today.