Hi I don't see anymore snow than normal, the upper section of the switchbacks are starting to show , the snow in the Portal is gone and the trail is clearing quickly to Lone Pine Lake and Lower Boyscout Lake . Groups are making it to the summit now on both routes . Temps are staying nice and cold so post holing is less than if we get a warm spell and conditions will be very different.
Conditions now are for experienced hikers other should stay clear for several more weeks until a boot track is in and they can follow the track.
Up north I think they got more snow than normal but we are abvout normal if not less when we turned the water on we checked the supply and it was about 2/3 , the pond has not overflowed, and we have left the boards in .
The backside, Trailcrest to the summit is mostly clear, the patch near the summit hasn't turned many around.