Started 0630, summit at 1000. A few breaks along the way of course, spent quite a bit of time at the hut on the ascent. Started down at 1040, trailhead at 1255.
Cindy, we were waving to you from the summit.
A few pics from today...

Nice sunrise plus we got to see the remnants of a just-past full moon.

Kurt demonstrating the no-hands rock along the trail.

Lead group is just getting to the summit.

We had the top all to ourselves.
We didn't have Joe to pass out Snickers to everyone this time but we did all have some cheetos.
It was a really good day out there, I'm glad I got to meet a few more people. Was starting to get warm but a very light breeze on top meant it was comfortable. Could really sense the rising temps on the way down.
Kurt, thanks for braving the early LA traffic. Doug and Richard, thanks for making the long drive down to spend a few hours with us in SoCal.
You kids have fun in Mexico!