If you would like Inyo NF management to take a fresh look at reinstalling toilets at Outpost Camp and Trail Camp now is the time to get a little involved. If you're frustrated with seeing these bags full of human waste littering the trail.
How things got to this point is a long and interesting story. To summarize, there have been toilets of some kind on Mt Whitney for 50 years, starting with pit toilets and progressing to solar powered toilets. Unfortunately, they never got the design quite right, and the Rangers were burdened with maintaining a crappy system that was no better than a pit toilet. In about 2002 the toilets got so bad they launched a project to replace them. That involved drafting an Environmental Assessment, published in 2004 in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) procedures to make sure public comments were considered. The EA was very well done and they looked into 5 alternatives including the mandatory "do nothing." The preferred alternative was to replace the toilets. Alternative 5 was to implement a Packout Program..
There are 3 ways to complete the environmental review process for a project of this nature. 1) an EXEMPTION if its a "typical" noncontroversial routine project such as repaving a road. 2) prepare an ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) that describes all reasonable alternatives and potential impacts of each alternative and describes in detail the "preferred alternative." A 30-day comment period is required to accept public input. Public input is the main reason for all of this in the first place to make sure every citizen and agency who might be affected gets a chance to influence the decision. If the decision has no significant impacts, then a Finding of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) is prepared. There is another chance for public review at this point. The last step is to publish a decision document to let everyone know what decision has been made, why it was made, and how the public comments were considered. or 3.) If there ARE significant impacts, then an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT is required. The 2004 EA for replacing the toilets can viewed .
If you would like to get the process going again, please print, sign, and mail a letter to the Forest Supervisor. [Because they didn't publish a Decision Document, there is no open period in which to appeal the decision. Also, you technically need to have submitted comments back in 2004 in order to file an appeal.
I've been in contact with the new Forest Supervisor and new District Ranger at Inyo. Well I've only climbed Whitney 3 times, most recently with my 15 yr old daughter. We saw a lot of wag bags littering the trail and my daughter was disgusted. I might hike Whitney one more time with my son, but otherwise, I have no interest in this. I just want to get this back on track, regardless of where it ends up. Your help is sincerely appreciated.
If you're wondering, gee, are solar powered toilets really feasible, please read this report from the Rocky Mountain NP Park Engineer entitled, "Performance Evaluation of Backcountry Soar Toilets," 2010. They have a 28-yr history at similar elevation and similar heavy use on Longs Peak in Colorado.
Performance Report of Backcountry Toilets, Rocky Mtn NP Please send in a copy of the appeal letter to Ed Armenta at Inyo. Thanks.
I made some changes to this post that may or may not make climbhigh happy , but tried to just have the post state the conditions without bias on either side. I would also like climb high to state his name and license numbers if they are used as a condition of expert influence. Thanks Doug