Joe H - I've done 2 backpacking trips in the Sierra this summer.
Each a week long. I was ready for the rain with my extra long rain poncho - You know if its long enough if while wearing your backpack the back side hangs down to just below your knees just like the front and you can tie the corners together so the wind
can't whip it and expose you to rain while hiking.
I set it up as a lean-2 with my trekking poles at night. If needed I enclose the lean-2 to make an A-frame tent with some painters drop cloth -clear plastic sheeting- I cut to size w/ scissors: a tough job but I managed it in 10 minutes crawling around on the floor making 2 triangles for the tent ends and a rectangle for the wall!
Used the light stuff -2mil thick - and taped some strings to the corners to make set up and take down easy.
- it packs into a sandwich zip lock and weighs
nothing, costs next to nothing, but will turn rain away just fine. Plus it lets light in!