Wondering what that is ?????
Any thoughts?
The following is the 14 Marine Corps Leadership Traits that I have "civilianized" for my own professional development as Commanding "Officer" of the First Civ Div, First BBQ Battalion:
1. Justice: the practice of being fair and consistent.
2. Judgment: the ability to think about things clearly, calmly and in an orderly fashion.
3. Dependability: the ability to be relied upon to perform duties properly, while putting forth the best possible effort in an attempt to achieve the highest standards of performance.
4. Initiative: taking action, meeting new and unexpected situations with action and being resourceful to get something done.
5. Decisiveness: being able to make good decisions without delay while weighing all the facts while acting calmly and quickly arriving at a decision.
6. Integrity: being honest and truthful in what is said and done; putting honesty, sense of duty and sound moral principles above all else.
7. Enthusiasm: a sincere interest in the performance of all challenges.
8. Bearing: carrying oneself with confidence.
9. Unselfishness: avoiding making or being comfortable at the expense of others, being considerate.
10. Courage: the ability to remain calm when recognizing fear. Standing up for what is right and accepting blame when responsible.
11. Knowledge: understanding the task and acquiring knowledge to understand people, along with keeping up with current events.
12. Loyalty: being devoted to country and respecting seniors, peers and subordinates.
13. Endurance: the mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to withstand stress and hardship.
14. Tact: dealing with people in a polite, calm manner to maintain good relations.
Bottom line: Ductus Exemplo. You are in charge. You are the person they turn to when the $h!+ hits the fan. You are responsible for what your group DOES or fails to DO. You are.
These traits apply when I am a leader of a group on the MWT. They also apply when I am NOT a leader but a person willing to assist if necessary.