Hello I recently went to the summit of Mt. Whitney and would like to share this story of the most amazing day of my life August 5, 2012.
It all started Almost two years ago when I realized that surviving Cancer God left me here for a reason, but I was killing myself with Obesity. At 400lbs I made the decision to do something about it I joined a website to help me get through that fight. When I got there I saw the photo of a man standing on a summit, it was the most incredible thing I had ever seen and knew immediately I wanted to go there. It drew my soul like a horse to water. This man I will call LU became my friend and we started talking about this mountain. I informed him I would like to go there. He said yeah ok right, Lol. As I started my journey to lose the weight I watched this mountain every day and it became a desire for me to accomplish. Well I lost 100 lbs with the guidance of Lu who told me to rebound daily (Mini Trampoline) and then on August 1, 2011 I had a surgery to help me l lose the rest of the weight. So I told Lu I would like him to take me to Whitney on the Anniversary of my surgery, so we started talking about what I had to do to get there. You see I live in Central Florida so not any mountains to train on. I started reading everything I could possibly do to get ready for this, I read that if I could run on a rebounder for 30 minutes at a time that was a good start for training, So Lu took me to the Grand Canyon in May of 2012; he wanted to see what I was made of. Well it was a struggle coming back up he had to pull me out the last ¾ of a mile and he had his doubts in me. But then we went and did San Jacinto in July 2012. I did great. I had been going to the ocean each weekend and walking in waist deep water and pulling my knees out of the water with each step I took. So on Aug 5,2012 As we got out of the car I was scared and doubted myself, but I kept on doing what Lu had me do, Drink every 30 minutes , eat every 45 minutes and take my time. Lo and behold I did this; I will do this every time a get the chance for the rest of my life. I am hooked. And btw I am now a 138lb woman. Lean and climbing mountains like a Goat. Lu if you are reading this I love you for the confidence and love you have in me. Thank You from the bottom of my heart, I will always in debt to you and love you more.