I get "SAD" (seasonal affective disorder) when the Portal Store closes....

Anyhoo....to "Dungaree" Doug and Earlene, it was great seeing both of you this past July 22-25, 2012. The upgrades (flat screen) to the private room at the hostel were fantastic. At least my wife and I got our burger and fries. Dang if we didn't get the Portal Pancakes the day after our hike on July 26.
In the meantime, my stomach grumbles as it waits for May 2013 or July 2013 or August 2013.

If you and Earlene do retire, my wife and I wish you the best. You will be missed, but not and never forgotten.
In the event you both don't, I am bringing my "@ti2d" and we will be bringing pizza boxes for the pancakes in 2013.