Thanks JQP and Tracie!
JQP, the final-400 is (currently) pretty dry for this time of year. Here some additional notes/beta;
1. There’s a good amount of snow at the base which allows you to get up the initial rock wall from the notch more easily than if it were completely dry. The extra snow seem to shorten this initial wall by 3-4’ (this short wall is generally consider the technical crux of the final 400). You can see the snow bank just below Aidan in this photo

2. the bottom ~2/3 can be climbed on the left side (east) on almost snow-free rock. You’ll get more snowy stuff if you veer towards the center. I generally like to stay on the left side (east) to avoid any falling rock/ice that tends to come down the center of the final-400 chute. I don’t have a clear photo of the left side, but it’s mostly snow free
3. Over the last ~100’, there's a decent amount of snow at the top of the left side (east) and that forces you to cross over the center section to the right side and head up a final snow bank over the last ~75 feet. Here’s photo of Aidan climbing up this final snow bank

4. With mixed snow and rock, it’s easier to keep the crampons on the whole time. Crampons grip rock pretty well
5. the final-400 is much quicker and shorter than the traverse
6. It's trickier to downclimb than to upclimb
7. Recommend wearing a helmet
8. Take lots of photos
9. Have fun and be safe

10. I forgot what #10 was/is, but there is always something else