Easy crossing at LBSL. We walked around S side of lake on the way up and N side on way back- N side was better but it will be slightly tricky avoiding willows going that way (coming down from above you can make out the path around willow patches.
LBSL up to the slabs was postholing in PM but firm in AM. Crossing creek was easy.
UBSL to the frog pond was the worst postholing when we came down around 4:00 PM. Should be ok early.
Frog Pond "Thor Lake" to Iceberg was mostly on snow and hard AM, getting soft PM. Used crampons going up headwall to lake.
"The Chute" is snow about 2/3 then loose scree/talus. Took the extreme left edge as snow was petering out. Party coming down the day before said head to the rock on the right ASAP, which was great advice. After the left edge lost snow, there was some rock there then crossed over to rock ledges on right. From above we watched a basketball sized rock get dislodged in the scree, when it got to the snow it started gaining a lot of speed- could have been fatal. Going up the chute be very alert to danger from above. Look at where rocks have deposited and stay well clear- I think the right side is probably best going up the lower part.
"The Final 400" was nice and dry. Decided to leave that for another trip.
Generally runoff was pretty light. I suspect the snowpack has diminished so much already (most snow fell very early season) that it won't be a problem barring warm rain. Exposed scree will be the biggest problem.