Thanks Jeff. Been wondering what you've been up too...
From a few conversations I've recently had:
"Can't wait to see the photos... how many photos did you take?"
"Don't know, but a guess would be two-to-three THOUSAND."
I just started moving the photos from the SD Cards to computer hard disk... assuming one JPG and one RAW per shot... TWO THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED AND SIX photos...
Pardon me if it takes a while to review them all! I hope there are a few keepers...
BTW, I think Karin and I will be comparing notes on GI issues over Memorial Day... mine are back... I need a Specialist... I've tried all of the different (illegal) Prescription Drugs that I had in my kit.
Last edited by Richard P.; 05/15/13 06:02 PM. Reason: I've become more like you as I'm aging...there were plenty of times on this trip where I was wishing I was HOME...