I posted a suggestion on the
WPSMB Autumn 2013 Group Climb topic. If not this group hike, then maybe organize a memorial hike for Pat on another day.
I read this today from 'orbitor' on High Sierra Topix... I was deeply moved.
"Thank you everyone for your thoughts and messages. It seems surreal to talk about Pat in the past tense; I find it hard to accept there will be no more talking, laughing, stories and advice from her. Pat's passing leaves a painful emptiness across many groups, from fellow climbers to the students she mentored, the entire school community to which she belonged and, of course, her family and friends. Eventually, all of us who knew her must find a way to move forward, but having Pat taken away from us so suddenly will surely hurt for a long time. Instances such as this make us question whether there really is justice in the grander scheme of things. Why would such a beloved human being, who impacted so many lives in a positive way, fall victim to the randomness and indifference of nature? I suppose philosophical questions must be answered by each person according to their own belief system, but based on the general reaction to the situation, it would not be an overreaction to say that Pat's death was a TOTAL SENSELESS LOSS or, to echo Deb's feelings, a damn shame.
I have been thinking of what we could do to honor Pat's memory. A friend who also knew Pat from recent trips (including the Williamson trip) said, "I guess one thing is to try to live life like she did—i.e., to the fullest with kindness, gratitude, thoughtfulness, and fortitude." I find his thought uplifting, and, for those of us who like to scale mountains, in complete accord with the conviction that we need to keep climbing. I'm sure that's what Pat would have wanted us to do. Lessons about safety and procedure are plenty, many learned the hard way through those who paid the ultimate price, and of course assimilating those lessons will be one of the top priorities. However, as we make our way toward the summits, I hope we do it with the certainty that Pat will be looking down on us from above, from a better place, and that when we get to the top, Pat's spirit will be all around us and IN us, so that we can continue carrying her goodness forth again and again."