50 degrees, sun is bright,no clouds in the sky and firm boot track.All seems like a perfect day .Wait just off the boot track the snow is like sugar and you sink ,now you hear water , That,s good you won't have to melt snow , but you notice a very thin layer of ice over the creeks and most of that is covered with snow. What do you do?How do you cross the creek? What do you do if you break through the surface , how far down will you go ? Do you have a heavy pack on with all the straps tight around you?
I recall several years ago about a pack left out in a meadow , just under the pack was a person that had broken through the ice , wasn't a meadow after all it was a small pond. If you would like to research another accident read about Convict Lake event and the recovery.
Study your map for the stream crossings and the side canyons entering into the area that could have water flowing into the main canyon. Also stay clear of the banks and bottom of the draws as you may slip and be taken into the flow.
When you near the trailhead notice the new yard art parked by the restroom.I think it is Bruno's cousin?
More large rocks on the road this week so expect during this warm period more slides. Be safe and have a great New Years . Doug