Young Studs jumped up in front of the Old Man...
Thinking he can't possibly be faster then they are...
Old Man (still really out of shape) decides to punish them...
An does...
(in the voice of that bully from The Simpsons)
(and I did say the title out loud to them as I passed by while they huffed-and-puffed)
Here are some photos from a trip around Whitney yesterday:
I don't remember this loop as being as difficult as it was yesterday...
As I turned around from signing the register, KW and client were walking up... I stopped by their camp at UBSL late in the afternoon to say hello again...
Missed food at the Portal Store, but did get to spend some time with xSpeedy (Mike)...
Couldn't have asked for a nicer Autumn day...
The album:!i=3604353435&k=qcSnpH2