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Copied from WhitneyZone.com.
Thank you Whitney hikers association board of directors for your integrity
WHA members and prospective WHA members,
This post is to announce the resignation of the following members of the current board of directors of the Whitney Hikers Association (WHA): Barbara Cole, Mike Condron, and Shoshana Bee; effective Jan 8, 2015. This has no impact on the day to day operation of the Whitney Zone (WZ) message board.
Thank you for your donations to the WHA over the years. Your support & generosity has allowed the WZ message board to operate without outside advertisement. Your donations have also allowed the WHA to make contributions to Inyo County SAR in the amount of $250 (March 2014) & $1,300 to Alabama Hills Stewardship Group (Jan 2015). These organizations were chosen due to their involvement within the hiking community.
Until a new WHA board is established, any donations made on the Whitney Zone message board will be without oversight in maintaining/distributing the funds. As stated above, the WZ message board will continue to operate without change.
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Hi The check arrived , don't look like I should deposit it? Seems like it took awhile but the word is out on the chain of events over the last 5 years how this Board was exploited .
Very insulted and feel harmed by these events.
Thank You
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Maybe I should sue for having had to type my password twice all those years. Say, $1M?
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Hi The check arrived , don't look like I should deposit it? Seems like it took awhile but the word is out on the chain of events over the last 5 years how this Board was exploited .
Very insulted and feel harmed by these events.
Thank You We should have acted long ago, Doug. I dragged the process due to misguided trust. It was an outright question of "Did you purposely re-route the Hostel Information to the WZ" and the answer of "yes" that changed my mind. (the actual post on this topic between Steve & Akichow has been moved and re-edited, but the original answer is archived) History Revision (also known as Creative Editing) is well underway over at the WZ, so you cannot believe everything you read.
The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.
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Hi While I was quite as this started I downloaded and archived all the events since 2009. If any are alter it will only make our position stronger.
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We should have acted long ago, Doug. I dragged the process due to misguided trust. It was an outright question of "Did you purposely re-route the Hostel Information to the WZ" and the answer of "yes" that changed my mind. (the actual post on this topic between Steve & Akichow has been moved and re-edited, but the original answer is archived)
History Revision (also known as Creative Editing) is well underway over at the WZ, so you cannot believe everything you read. Well, if Tom's chiming in.. Gotta call B.S. on this WZ "drama" when most people who were not even involved knew there was a turd in the punchbowl over there since 2011. Seems like y'all are only now acting dismayed, incensed and innocent in hopes you don't get called in if a computer and/or tax & banking fraud case pops up. Folks have gone to jail for much, much less. I suggest you do your homework and check out some of the excellent reading material over here---but somehow I get the feeling that you already have and are doing a little history revision yourself. (Put that on a t-shirt, Doug. I'll buy several.)
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I have been in contact with Doug off and on since 2011/12 on this. There are PMs + emails. In my own personal email account is an exchange with Steve on all of this as I ask for confirmation on all of the violations. Yes, it has been recent, as the evidence has only come to light because of searches that have caused items to surface after the fact.
Yes, I do agree that there is material enough to go much further than squabbles on the Forums.
I suggest that you varify all that I have written with Doug. There was no colusion on any of the violations that havce taken place, nor was it endorsed or approved after the fact.
I was caring for a dying parent, thus, I could not babysit Steve nor the clandestine events taking place behind the scenes.
Last edited by Bee; 01/17/15 10:44 PM. Reason: just confirmed the dates with doug
The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.
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Hi As I started this thread with the address to the WHA Board of Members that resigned , I was aware that over the years the direction of the WHA was to destroy, discredit and do every thing in their power to take down the WPSMB. I was also aware that the Board would never claim that as the Mission statement or Vision, but the day the Board launched the zone it would have contradicted starting another message board using the exact same software, a web cam, the exact format and destine not to fail. Hello this is how things are done I am sorry ,The resigning Board member came to that same conclusion and took the high road. I respect the integrity and the commitment it must have taken for them to do the research and address the truth.
Bee had contacted me during the period of 2012 and felt that the Board had the violations under control and expressed they would monitor the site and never let it happen again, as the intrusions were brought to the surface Bee and the other Board members resigned.
I hold Bee, Mike and Barbara as victims in this fray and Thank them for the honest effort they took to resolve the issue, they now have house cleaning to resolve the Board Violations that may have transpired.
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The check is in the mail again.Funds were replaced.
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Hi I talked with Mike the other day and the best solution was to not send another check . So that is the check I will not deposit . that check again but not use that other check that was never sent, then the funds were taken and I would have to face the people at the bank in my home town that I had given them a bad check. Now that check is good .Earlene ask if things are going well?
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I just received my e-mail today for my permit conformation for Aug.5, 2014!!!
Thought this falls into this thread.
Crazy Jack
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You and the family relaxed at the Portal that day.
5 August 2014:
"My goal was Mt. Muir, but conditions were very icy at Trail Crest and beyond. I settled for Discovery Pinnacle, which was also icy and somewhat dangerous."
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You are so right. Family was resting, I was taking out the trash.
We were able to get permit's for the next day. Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow path.
Is it cold?? Not here.
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Right - you played with cardboard while we discussed rival San Diego breweries.
It's 27 here, with about five inches of snow on the ground.
Say, the Alabama Hills are very nice in winter.
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Matter of fact the Hills are calling Dave K and I are meeting this AM and take a little walk, searching for a way Jack can repeat his true town to summit hike staying in the Hills without going uphill?
On another note the high point of the Hills is higher than Rattlesnake Mountain, never though of it but it is west of Movie Rd , Myles tricked me into thinking it was east and north of the Arch trail, some of the hikes we do in the Hills we go up a high point for a view of the main Valley , I had thought that was the high point , Myles found the next one North to be higher. It's like the guy that came into the store and told us he had found a mountain higher than Whitney it was about 1 mile west of the Whitney he was on.
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How are them flowers coming along?
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Indeed, the pile of rocks NW of Rattlesnake Hill (1645 meters) is higher, at 1740+ meters. But apparently Barbara Lilley and Gordon MacLeod didn't consider them to lie within the Alabama Hills, since they placed their "Alabama Hills High Point" summit register on Peak 1632, east of Movie Road. ...Which is odd, since a higher point (1640 + meters) is just a short walk to the NW along the same ridge.
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I planted a flag on a rock up Hogback Creek at 2134 meters...
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It has to be a local high point. I have SOME standards.