This should bring up the weather station for White Mountain. It is a great hike that I have done many times. Beautiful view of the Eastern Sierras from the summit and millions of stars at night. I like driving to the Bristle Cone pines then take the four mile loop train to acclimate. Another 17 miles of dirt road brings you out to the trail head at 12,000. Good luck.
White Mtn. is nothing more than a high altitude walk up a dirt road. One should be able to get to the summit without any need for traction devices. YMMV
IMO with these late season storms that have been coming thru I would expect some snow/ice. They might come in handy as you approach the summit. Also, this FS site says the road is closed 1 mile from the Patriarch Grove of bristlecone pines. If that's the case it's going to add several miles to your hike. You might want to call & verify conditions....