Hello to All,
I am in very sudden need for a climbing partner for Whitney on Wednesday, 7th September. My partner decided to marry at the last minute and is now in France with his new wife. This has really messed up my otherwise careful plans.
OK....I am 65 and been training every other night in a professional gym with a trainer. I am now in fine physical/mental shape and possess the proper gear for the climb.
I should like to leave between 2 - 3 AM on the 7th September. I am a man who keeps his word and will stick by my (hoped for) new partner come hell of high water, period. I always keep my word. If you are injured I stick with you or if the weather is bad, we do not climb. I have no ego to bruise here.
I am reaching out to the community. My home number is 603-654-2221 EST in New Hampshire during the evening....email here on this site is fine, too. Much thanks!
Paul - sorry to hear that your partner chose a woman over you, but sometimes life isn't fair!
In any case - if part of your concern is hiking Whitney by yourself, not to worry. Dozens and dozens of people are likely to be on the trail in early September, so your hike will not be solo by any means. I've done Whitney many times, and unless it's winter conditions, that mountain is a huge magnet.
I also live in New Hampshire, and hike frequently in the Whites. Do you go out often? Perhaps our paths have/will cross.