Becoming a partner of/or joining as a member of the Whitney Portal Message Board Group for the Climb For Heroes on May 21st, 2017
If you are looking to get on our team and/or are making a donation in the name of our team and you are going into the Heroes Project website go to: on the heading “Take Action” under that tab is “Events and Fundraisers”
Click on that which will open up another tap showing the Baldy Hike Event.
Click on the bottom of the page where it says RIGISTER NOW
Then on the upper right hand side there’s a box labeled Register to Climb, click that.
That will open up the registration page and will show that the box “Sign me up to climb” already has the box checked, so click on the “red box” below that that says Next Step click that.
Then click Join a Team, from there you will be given a drop down box, we are way at the bottom listed as wpmsb click on that.
Click on next step and it will bring up all the boxes for you to fill in your information to participate, then check the box at the bottom to sign the waiver. Click Next Step again and make sure all your information is correct.
From there it will bring up Go to my Fund Raising Page
From there it will walk you through on how to donate.
To just donate and have it show up as part of Doug’s Team go here: will open up directly to Doug’s registration page, since he’s the organizer of our team just make the donation under him, doesn’t matter if you know or are a friend of one of the rest of us, it goes as a total for the team – if you feel the need to put it under one of the other team members all you have to do it go to the bottom where all the pictures of each team members are and click either the face or the name it will then pull up that team members information and on the right side you can click “donate”
From there it will direct you to another page that will still ask you which team member to choose to make the donation under, follow the prompts from there and it will ask for Pay Pal, Debit Card or credit card after you click on the Donate button at the bottom.
See everyone there.
Lilbitmo aka Patrick T, that’s me