Thanks for the heads up on the talks ,If you plan to hike Whitney or other mountains Kurt ,Jack and Betsy do a great Job , hints on things you can do before the hikes and gear you may need or not need.
On the question of the trail between Low and upper , we wrote a detailed route guide many years ago and posted near the top of the message board, I update it if we see a problem area and the section you ask about is a problem area.
So with that said how can we fix it? I find most that have trouble miss the trail just at Lower , as they enter /exit the boulder field they will see/take one of the many false trails that gain elevation at the west end of the boulder field.
As you exit the boulder field stay level,a slight grade for about 300-400 feet on a very well defined use trail , you will see several trails taking off from this trail heading up hill but don't get tricked into these as they will not take you to the area you need to be.
Follow the lower trail near the brush line just south of the creek , this will gain elevation and lead into another short section of boulders most often you will follow a trail through the boulder field Don't go straight up, you want to travel south westerly at about a 20 degree slope not steep but a good climb angle.
Heading for the LOWER GIANT BOULDER/ROCK as you near the lower boulder you will enter a slight over hang, pass under this overhang climb several rocks about 10' and you will exit Onto the trail.( Note you will be below these large boulders NEVER above!)
This path will take you through the willows on to the slabs and Clyde Meadow. This is another often missed junction point NEVER GO INTO UPPER Boyscout Lake drainage ,Many maps show a dashed line that MAY hint at that direction , You must travel towards the south westerly direction and pass through the low saddle.At this saddle you will see a very well defined use trail , follow that PAST the waterfall below Iceberg Lake .
The ridge west of Upper tricks many into thinking they are near Iceberg Lake and will travel into this closed Bowl Just east of Iceberg, This mistake has started several rescues and not so good outcomes.
Look at Google earth and study the canyon you may find the use trail popping up . Thanks Just checked Google earth and it is faint but you can pick up the trail above upper , and the lower large boulder as you leave the Lower Boyscout Lake drainage and the trail
Last edited by Doug Sr; 01/31/18 05:52 PM.