Full circle from the old school ethics, we felt rescues for climbers were most often done by fellow climbers or self rescue,then more people started to use the backcountry and somehow it became standard procedure to have the rescues we see now, some very serious injuries some very minor,and this places the dispatch at the command when to send support ,or not, Often on Whitney someone will indicate a rescue is needed and by the time the team arrives the party has walked out and driven off,several years we would place a sign with a flashing red light "if you are the party requesting a rescue please call dispatch and cancel the rescue,follow up this season a rescue was started for a person with a lower body injury,a group helped the person down, I called and canceled the rescue giving the party name and area of the accident.All seemed a closed event, dispatch called back and ask which lower body injury they had two calls for lower body injuries.
Like the start time ,poop bags and the nonexistent everyday rain I don't think we will see a solution until 1. rescues are charged for the amount of the event.2.Some basic skills are required that are preventive aids that should reduce the need for rescue ,things as simple as boots ,water,food and a solid understanding that when problems develop you are half way, one needs to turn around and remove the risk of making the problem worse.The group needs to support the solution, leaving someone tired, ill and without life support may cause a fatality. Then rescue becomes a recovery.
The use of the helicopter has made rescues very rapid,does this solve the basic problem?
We have a section of 2 lane on 395 in Inyo County this year alone several very serious accidents a 4 lane highway will be built to reduce the accidents,again 2 lane roads were the norm when many of us were young and we were aware of the danger driving or passing risk associated with these roads.The solution was seperation of the lanes and speed control.
Rescues are more complex ,as above times change,and conditions change which should be mentioned we are entering the second part of the falling season ,winter storms will be starting shortly ,most often the last of August we will see snow,night time temperatures will drop below freezing at the upper elevations so any water crossings can be icy,hiking in shorts running shoes and no layering may do you well until the season changes, your water can freeze in the tubes from the bladder,your hands can become numb from the cold and your reasoning ability may be impaired by the cold, recall hypothermia is a risk as we enter the season change,Are you aware of the symptoms?
Slips and falls ,understand every step you take can lead to a slip or fall stay focused on the trail, where you place your feet, avoid rocks that may cause a fall or roll your ankle ,hike during daylight hours or have the experience that you can hike when your sight distance is compromised. Could you reduce the need for rescues?