I am looking at my map (1953) from Starr's guide. Perhaps you took the "trail" shown on this map which begins on the Chagoopa Plateau and which Starr describes as follows: "a route may be taken leading northward up the Chagoopa Plateau, then crossing the Kaweah Peaks ridge (12,000) just east of Mt Kaweah (13,816) and descending through the Kaweah Basin to meet the Colby Pass trail on the Kern-Kaweah." That is, go over Kaweah Pass, cross Kaweah Basin, exit by descending near the Rockslides.
I have descended from the Kaweah Basin just upstream from the Rockslides by working down a series of ledges as you described. Furthermore, it was a bushwhack to then get across the river and find the trail.
Once on the Colby Pass trail, if one heads upstream a couple of miles and is looking for a way to leave the trail, recross the river, and progress into the Kern-Kaweah Basin (towards Pants Pass), one will eventually come across a side path on the left. I have followed this path about 150 yards and arrived at a camping area with furniture, a bear box, and evidence that stock had been there.
Was this where you located the Grand Palace Hotel? Maybe. Or maybe at one time it was the GPH. Today I have reason to believe (SEKI info) that the GPH for stock is located further up the trail on the other side of Colby Pass.
Awesome terrain.
Let me know if this rings any bells. Or maybe I am completely off course and we are both lost in a far away galaxy!