On the way back down from the summit, roughly a mile or so from Trail Crest, I yielded the right of way for a faster group coming down behind me.

Foolishly, I stepped to the outside of the trail. What looked like a large solidly planted rock quickly gave way and I tumbled 35 to 40 feet down the edge. I was hurt.

The group I was yielding to made a human chain and got me back up on trail. They then patched up my right leg to stop the bleeding. Luckily, I was camped at Trail Camp and only had a few miles to get to the tent to lay down and elevate.

Pretty sure I have one or two fractured ribs as well. Will be going to the Dr. tomorrow now that I am home.

Again - THANK YOU!

For everyone else - when you yield the right of way, make sure you have a solid pull off and do so on the INSIDE of the trail.