I could spend hours explaining all the things that went "wrong" on this trip, but suffice it to say, after multiple attempts to get up to Cecile Lake, from Minaret Lake, I bailed and headed home (the next morning) via Mammoth Pass.
I'd never been over Duck Pass and it turned out to be a gorgeous way to get to the JMT...
Here are a few photos...
Looking back towards the Duck Pass Trailhead.
Duck Lake
Heading for the JMT
Minaret Lake
I (thought) took a few more photos from up on the climb to Cecile Lake, but there were no images in memory... bummer... the view from up there was out-of-this-world... going back with a day pack before they close Red's Meadow Road... (thinking Red's to Agnew Meadow...)(Amazing how much confidence you can build after watching a few YouTube videos...)
A few random comments...
-Red's Meadow Resort food was good, but not the WPS...
(Saved having to eat 2 more meals out of a pouch...)
(Day 1 was Duck Pass Trailhead to Red's.)
-Met a couple (climbers) from Mammoth who knew KW, Myles and Amy, Davey McCoy (talked about the triple attempt that the other Jim F
got...) and others... They provided a photo of the map and valuable advice on getting up to Cecile...if only I wasn't such a wimp now...
-Met a NOBO JMT'er who also was impressed with Chris at Crabtree...
-Don't think you're going to keep your Apple devices charged (with no battery bank) from a twenty-something watt solar panel...