Leave Lone Pine on the Portal Road and turn right onto Movie Road... (it's all dirt and pretty washboarded in some areas)... You'll drive for a little bit until you see a BIG turnout on the left side of the road... park in this turnout... on the western side of the pullout there's a very small, low to teh ground sign that is at the trailhead (I thought it was some sort of water conservation sign until I got close enough to read it)... its a nice little walk to the arch and there's actually two archs back there.. the big one and then a smaller one...
The ArchA couple of links that Momma sent me...
http://users.sisna.com/archman/AlabamaHills.html(More detailed directions from Momma:
More detailed directions to the mobus arch
Take a Hike
Photographers come from all over the country to photograph this amazing view, and the Alabama Hills Arch is a bonus. Whether you are here for the Sierra views, identifying native plant life or photography, this area offers a variety of activities. The Alabama Hills Arch Nature Trail Walk was created in partnership with the Eastern Sierra Interpretive Association and the Alabama Hills Stewardship Group. Directions to the trailhead:
Take Hwy 395 to Lone Pine.
Turn west (at the stop light) onto Whitney Portal Road, drive 2.5 miles to Movie Road, turn right.
After 1.5 miles you will come to a "Y" in the road.
Go right and pull into the dirt parking area immediately on your left.
You will see the trail sign on the left side of this parking area; this is where you begin your arch walk.
The walk takes approximately 15 min. round trip and the terrain is hilly.)