Doug, thank you for your quick reply. I have seen you in the store a few times but never talked with you -- a mistake I'll have to remedy eventually!
I'm still confused. I wasn't asking about the two links you mentioned on the home page that link to information on outside web sites. I'm asking about all the information that is on YOUR web site that was linked to
from the page listing the forums: There were just SCORES of topics for new (or experienced) hikers to read -- all of it contributed and/or organized by you or board members. On the page that lists the forums there were many links for quick access to many topics -- and all those links are no longer there. For example, here is a post that VersatileFred posted back in 2003: Note in that post all the links. Those links -- about a week ago -- were on your page listing the forums. Now they're gone!
So -- for anyone who wants basic information about attempting Mt. Whitney, all they can do right now is make countless searches for information buried in all the posts. Rather than get an overall view of all the information they should consider on the page listing the forums, with links to the detailed information from that page.
I don't understand what removing all those links from the page listing the forums would accomplish -- it only downgrades the usefullness of the site. And as I said in my first post, there was some other information now also apparently removed (showing how many are on the site, what board members are on, etc.) -- so it appears a big change was made. Apparently accompanying the removal of all this information . . . the forums list now spans the whole page from left to right (5 vertical columns) whereas before it didn't to allow some other information. And information that was at the bottom of the forums list is now also gone.
Have others noticed this too or have I gone mad? :-) Perhaps you can explain this better than I have so that Doug understands.
Why have all the links been removed from the page listing the forums? Like the links in VersatileFred's post I cited above?