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"Heights seem to pull one up to reflection, to proofs of existence outside daily detail, choice and necessity... Mountain people live with this inner resonance." -- Andrea Mead Lawrence

The snow slope towered to the south above Lower Boy Scout Lake, shadowed undulations just covering the roughened talus and scree, the sun still hiding behind the ridge. The earliest group whooped a greeting from the northern cat ear, a number of the throng yelling in return and waving to those high above. Long breaks in the sunshine at the waterfall had brought all the separate groups together, conversations sparkling like the smiles all around and the dancing water as it tumbled from the Carrilon drainage. It was not a difficult decision to meld the groups and together ascend the Secret Route: it felt right.

Tom took the lead from the lake until the firm snow prohibited penetration from kicking. Jeff stepped forward and started cutting steps with his axe, James digging and stomping further to provide the platforms for the train to follow. The lazy fall sun finally climbed above the ridge, casting long shadows across the rain-crusted snow, a meager attempt to warm the train as it (mostly) patiently waited for its track to be laid out. Slowly, carefully, we picked our way up the slope, until Doug kicked the other ladies in the rear and Carole danced up the footsteps left from Richard's descent the day before. The entire climb, there was not one whimper, not one complaint, no one admitting fear or worry about their safety. More smiles, more laughter, more awe from the new vistas and perspectives both outside and within.

The train spread out across the final slog up the summit plateau, conversations quieting as each climber dug deep to find the strength to finish the job at hand. Everyone knew, instinctively, what they had to do for themselves to get to the top: humming to themselves, stopping to eat, altering pace, breathe. But again, no frowns of frustration, no quibbling about who was stronger or weaker, faster or slower. The early group, silouhetted in the sun, eagerly but patiently danced out on the rocks to watch the line of ants step ever closer to the summit blocks. Hands extended, boosts from behind, cheers to those below, but always smiles.

Slowly, the crowd swelled among the boulders on top, each stepping carefully across gaps and finding a spot to sit, eat, rest, and talk excitedly of the effort. More often then not, utterances of "I can't believe I'm here!", "That was amazing!", "I've never done anything like this before!", "You do this EVERY weekend?" Cameras going off in all directions as we all soaked in the grand view from the center of the amphitheater. Bee and Doug Sr. tromped to the top, completing the line, our number increased to 33. Conversations lulled as Tom broke out the banner and the words from Ilene Ashcraft, James reading from M.C.'s song of legends. Karen pulled out her ukelele and printed verses, quiet voices sending Amazing Grace to the heavens as tears welled and fell. Normally I would sing. Instead, I lodged myself down between two boulders and gazed south to Arc Pass, Consultation Lake sparkling in the autumn light as my own sobs rose. The rocks were warm against my skin, the air crisp, as the spirit of that group rose and bonded, embracing us all as we celebrated Kent, his passion for adventure, and his love of family both immediate and extended. Our mountains absorbed the final notes of Forever Young as they floated on the breeze, standing stoic and silent as they have for millions of years, their own power and strength buoying up that of the group.

Confidence swelled with a succesful summit, the group descended to the cat ear, and we spaced out the beginners between those more experienced on snow for the descent. Although in shadow, the snow remained soft from the afternoon sun, and the trains plunge-stepped back down the to the dry earth of Lower Boy Scout Lake, cheering each who emerged from the moraine, only one minor slip reported from the bunch. An amazing feat indeed.

Words don't often fail me, but there just aren't enough to convey what happened up there. We all learned something that day, about ourselves, and about each other. That is truly the gift of the mountains.

It was Kent's gift to all of us.

Blessings to all of you, and to all who were with us in spirit.

From the luckiest girl in the world: Climb Hard, Be Safe.

All my love,


Flickr Pics

Think outside the Zone.
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Thank you so very much! You have such a gift, and I'm grateful that you choose to share it with us. Just reading this helped me feel like I was there with you all, even though I couldn't make it out there this time, much as I really wanted to.

The day after your hike, at my church, at which I'm the pianist, I normally play something during the offertory, and I usually just make something up out of my head -- either original, or more likely, an arrangement of an existing song that people know. As I approached that particular point in the service yesterday, having not known anything yet about how things went on the summit of Thor with all of you, I was intending to play a song called, "Holiness", which would have been just fine. But for some reason, at the very last second, I decided to make up an arrangement of something a little more familiar, which is what I did.

The song? "Amazing Grace".

David (CaT)

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Beautifully written TR and stunning photos that truly capture this monumental day... I believe the voices of all those singing from the summit will resound throughout the Sierra for all time.

MC smile

"The mountains are measured for their height but the achievements of one who climbs the mountains are immeasurable." m.c.
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Awesome, Laura! The snow conditions changed everyone's plans to some degree, but our common love for the mountains and desire to honor Kent made for a most magical gathering on Thor Peak and I felt privileged to be a part of it.

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A couple of my favorites:

The long line...

Carole motoring on...

The rest of my photos.

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Great hike with great people! Pictures are here.

Last edited by JamesL; 10/19/09 03:38 PM.
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This brings chills to my skin and tears to my eyes! Thank You!

What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. Thats why i climb!
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Thank you Laura for your beautifully written post. smile

I was part of the so-called Stemwinder Group on the Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike of Thor. Since it was determined that Stemwinder might be too risky as a result of the recent snowfall we chose to hike up the east couloir and meet the main group at the summit. Saturday 10/17/09 was one of the most beautiful days I have ever experienced in the Whitney Zone for many reasons.

The weather was amazing, the snow was perfect and sense of community that I felt on top of that summit was a once-in-a-lifetime event. We all hike the mountains because we love them and that was the most evident presence to me. To see all 30+ of us on that summit knowing that we all felt a loss for one of us that had fallen, was powerful beyond words. James L. read MC Reinhardt's poem, Tom Brown read WPSMB posts selected by Ilene Ashcraft to share, Karen R brought out a ukelele, passed out the lyrics to Amazing Grace and Forever Young and I joined in amazement while everyone sang together on Thor to Karen's music. Then our dear Doug Thompson shared his heartfelt words about this mountaineering family while holding a sobbing Rosabella. Memories I will hold in my heart forever.

I feel so fortunate to have the strong legs to pursue my passion for mountain climbing and even more fortunate to know that there are such loving and gracious mountaineers out there sharing those mountains with me.

Kent Ashcraft was one of those gracious mountaineers. Not ever having the opportunity to meet him in person I felt his graciousness in his posts, his trail reports, his obvious love for his family and his willingness to share his knowledge with others. Ilene Ashcraft shared more of Kent's personality with the video she played for us on Friday night of their years of participation in lip-synch events for their church. Kent as we know, was an accomplished mountaineer, but did you know he was also a comedian and actor? They were hilarious and a precious insight into the personality of the man we were honoring on that mountain.

As we left the summit, the reality of the steep snow slopes was upon us again and that there were many that did not have honed skills for that. Again, I felt the sense of community as the more experienced helped down those that were not. We are family.

Thanks again to all that helped make this event possible, Tomcat, Trailbud, Doug T, Jeff M, Dave G, Earlene and Ilene Ashcraft. We had way too much food and oh so much fun at the potluck.

norma ryan

my pix are here:

p.s. if you don't want to view all the photo's please scroll down to the video taken at the summit right before the group shot of Karen R playing the ukelele. Awesome.

Last edited by Norma R; 10/19/09 10:10 PM.
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Thank you for such beautiful TRs and pictures, Laura, Norma and Richard! And David, your post gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes again!! The experience and bonding I felt on the summit of Thor were truly amazing, and will always be with me...

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This truly was a remarkable event with so many contributions from everyone to make this a success. I cannot really add much that has not already been said.

Thank you Moose for the trip report. I know it is probably one of the hardest you have ever had to write.

Last week MC sent me the words to a song to read on the summit. I finally had a chance to sit down and google "footprints of legends". I wish I had done this before I headed out this weekend. Thank you for your contribution. Your spirit was with us all.

Thanks to all the family and staff who let Doug come out and play. I was happy that he could join us. His words on the top reminded us all what big family we really are.

Congratulations to everyone for their accomplishments.
Jeff M. now has a new name - axeman - without him we may not have gotten our entire group to the summit. Some of the north facing incline was icey and hard for trying to kick steps.

I sure I will think of more to add later, but at the moment I am still at a loss for words.

watch out Bob R. - Doug is back on the mountain

more pictures

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It is an incredible gift that we share; we are so fortunate to be able to come together in sublime celebration of life. It is the best embodiment of "community" and something we are blessed to experience.

So much thanks to everyone for being a part of this adventure. We are a family and our success relies on every member---not only those of us on the mountain, but those throughout the board that share the same understanding, appreciation and love of the outdoors.

Again, Tom, great, great job bringing this together. (And obvious thanks to Doug & Earlene, The Ashcrafts, Bob R., Trailbud Doug, Doug Jr., Laura, Richard, and James L.---for working just as hard as I was on the step chopping.)

More pics here

(I just dropped them on my server; if anyone wants higher resolution copies, just let me know.)

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fantastic pictures and captions Jeff -
I believe they capture the spirit of the day as best as anyone could.

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Jeff M = AXE MAN???!!


The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.
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Laura and Norma, you both hit the nail on the head and said it much much better than I ever could, great stuff!

I’m really glad I got a chance to participant in this amazing event and share a special moment on Thor with 33 fellow mountaineers.
Kudos to Doug Sr. and Tom for organizing this incredible event.

Here’s a link to my photos

Rick Graham


I really like AxeMan's pictures, too.

Y'All make me sorry I didn't make it with the big group (but my gimpy shoulder thanks me). Jeff: Should I change your handle, or will you get around to it? wink

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WOW Laura
That is a very nice TR.
I don't know what else to say but thanks.
Take care.

"The mountains are calling and I must go."
John Muir
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Sweet TR Moosie...
dang, we missed you. So glad to have you home.

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
Helen Keller
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Originally Posted By SanDi_carole
Sweet TR Moosie...
dang, we missed you. So glad to have you home.


"The child is within me still...and sometimes not so still!" -Mr. Rogers
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Laura you have a way with words, I sent your TR to a few friends and they said that they felt like they were there with us. It gave them goose bumps. Love the pics as well.

Richard, Thanks for coming down with us gals. I'm sure you thank we are all kinda crazy. Great picture too.

A big thanks to Tom for putting this all together.

Bud you did a great job on the bbq. (love the jeep)

Doug Sr. Many Many thanks for all the stories on the trip and taking care of all us.

Wow the Thanking could go on & on & on, But I will spare you all.

I will have my few pictures up shortly. I'm a bit of a slacker.
The video will be with it. I have really enjoyed looking at everyone pictures.

IT was great meeting everyone and I hope to hike with all again.

Mouse out!

Get up! Get moving! That is when life begins.
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Originally Posted By MooseTracks
Blessings to all of you, and to all who were with us in spirit.

I can imagine myself having been there - and with all of the great photos and descriptions it isn't hard to do. I'll bet the spirit of Kent was all over the mountain that day. It looks like he ordered up perfect weather for you all. He's still helping everyone out...

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