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Zip and K2 have been begging me to take them up the MR. Is that okay with Inyo? If I remember correctly, technically speaking, they can go to the notch, then it becomes Sequoia National Park and a big no-no? Of course I will leave no trace of their poop - they have their own back packs to pack it out.
The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get to the office. Robert Frost
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Good question. There used to be a forest service guy who walked his big lab up the MT. Dog made the trip a couple times a day he said. Wonder if he/she got a burger at day's end.
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A few years ago in the spring snow a dog named Clyde reached the summit of Mt Whitney by the MR. Extra points of contact easily allowed him to negotiate the final 400' chute. (A few months later on Mt Russell a pouch Holly traversed the East Ridge!)
More recently, last summer I ran into another canine named Pepper who reached the summit of Mt Whitney via the Main Trail. Ranger Bob R was on duty that day and encountered Pepper at the summit. Ranger Bob classified Pepper as a marmot, thus there were no issues with rules. Of course, Pepper was welcomed in the festive group photo at the summit.
Jim F
PS Glad to hear the road is clearing up and the store is opening next week. Will be heading up soon. Hope everyone has a great season on the Big Mountain.
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This is a bad idea, particularly as a summer climb.
First, there are a number of areas that are NOT negotiable by a dog. The boulder field comes to mind, where I encountered a couple carrying their dog through, because it could not walk.
Second, there are a number of areas of significant exposure, where a slip will be the dog's last.
Third, in those same areas of exposure, a climber suddenly and unexpectedly encountering a dog may be startled, or the dog may run towards them, or may brush against them, upsetting their balance. People may react with great hostility and violence against them, if they are fearful of the exposure, and feel endangered.
The MT is one thing, the MR is another situation, entirely.
Face it, it is not about the dogs, it is about you. However, your responsibility is to do what is best for the dogs, not what is seemingly most fun for you. The dogs will follow you no matter where you go, and how dangerous it is for them.
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Third, in those same areas of exposure, a climber suddenly and unexpectedly encountering a dog may be startled, or the dog may run towards them, or may brush against them, upsetting their balance. People may react with great hostility and violence against them, if they are fearful of the exposure, and feel endangered. Whatever you do, make sure your dog is firmly under your control. My (leashed) dog is not friendly with strangers who get too close and reacts as I would when another gets in her face and barks and licks - defensively. I cringe when someone's off-leash dog comes running up to her, and they say "she's friendly." My response is that my dog is not, and please call her off. Of course, they almsot never can call her off, and I have to intervene, once being nipped at by the other dog. I've also been bit by an off-leash dog who wagged its tail as I passed the other direction, then turned and bit me in the rear. The owner said the dog had "never done that before." Yeah, that made everything better. 
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Yeah, this sign is on the MT, but since the summit is in SEKI... But there needs to be an upgrade to it: make sure to bring your gun... 
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Well that answers that. The big lab I used to see was near the top of the switchbacks now that I remember it. The employee checked for permits and the dog checked for biscuits.
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But there needs to be an upgrade to it: make sure to bring your gun... Oh dear God Laura, let's not encourage that topic again - the boards almost melted down last time!
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Too late!
Lock and load...
All ready on the left... All ready on the right... All ready on the firing line... Stand by...
Cease fire! Cease fire! Unload, clear and lock... Coaches check 'em!
Nuttin' like a "hot (mean) dog on an 'open fire.'"
Journey well...
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Of course, we know who's behind both of those regulations...
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NO DOG HATERS! nuff said. 
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Last edited by Richard P.; 04/29/10 12:32 AM. Reason: That's Clyde!
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(A few months later on Mt Russell a pouch Holly traversed the East Ridge!) I was on that hike - along with Holly summiting Dragon. Lost those pictures when computer crashed in '07. It helps when your dad is a team leader with S&R
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Do you still have the drive? I've done some miracle work (amazed myself, actually.) with some of the Navy's damaged drives. (If you think it would be worth a shot, send me an e-mail, Tom.)
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NO DOG HATERS! nuff said. I agree wholeheartedly with Zombie dude. I love doggies. That said...I encountered a volunteer ranger last summer, slogging upward on the trail to Mono pass from Mosquito Flat, weilding a shovel and a large hefty bag. He was doing what the irresponsible, "entitled generation" dog parents were too (insert your commentary here) to do, at no pay, in the unforgiving and no shade at all heat.
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Wow - thank you all for so much good, serious, and humorous input. Tony
The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get to the office. Robert Frost
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Guns are for terrorists and violent peeps. So, I am now I am classified a terrorist and a violent "peep" because I possess a "gun." Well, I never...  ...I have been called a jarhead, a war monger, but never a G**D*** TERRORIST! But this is America, so what do you care? Freedom of thought and speech...whatever. You're welcome for being able to live in a "free" country so enjoy it. Take it from a veteran...You're welcome. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits and your dog. I love dogs (we have one), I love "guns" (have an armory worth), I am not violent (military trained and black belt), and I hate terrorists (I never forget 9-11), and I hate dog owners who "take their dogs on early morning walks and leave 'doo' on the grass" especially in my yard or out on the trails. What I would to take my e-tool (that's entrenching tool, military, one each and not some electronic apparatus on your i-Phone or laptop) to the posterior of an irresponsible dog owner...Here! Pack this! Better yet...rub their nose in the canine excrement. Here! Maybe next time you won't have your dog "doo" this. I guess we can't "have fun" on these threads anymore without someone____________________________________________ and then getting into a ________________________match. Bulldog34, you were right. MooseTracks, ain't your fault. I am beginning to dislike this board. Innuendos and the like, blah blah blah... Guess I will just resort to reading and not posting. Ah, May is just around the corner...Nothing else matters... UPDATE: Noticed "Blooty" post with the above quote "MIA."
Journey well...
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@ti2d, Don't leave the board. You would be greatly missed. I love the comments that you make. As someone said before this is a heated subject. People need to realize that it is not the guns themselves that cause the problem, it’s only some of the people that use them. In everything that we do there will always be the ones that try to destroy it for everyone else. We live in America so we get to choose what is right or wrong for us as individuals. What is good for me my not be good for you and that’s ok.. We all have that choice. If you don’t like guns then don’t have them. If you like them then just be responsible. Simple You know who you are and what you stand for so nothing else really matters. The people that mean something to you also know who you are and what you stand for so the rest really doesn’t matter. I know a ton of people that have guns (myself included, grew up with them) NON of us are violent or terrorist. We are all god/law abiding American citizen. Don’t take it to heart, its no big deal, just one persons opinion and it doesn’t make it the truth. All good in Whitney land, feel the love of the mountain that always brings us together.  Mouse
Get up! Get moving! That is when life begins.
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Hey Gary, guns are a passionate topic, like abortion, health care and whether dogs are better than cats (for the record, I vote that they are). Any of these topics, among others, will bring out the worst in some people. Just witness the threads here and elsewhere a couple of months ago on the guns-in-parks topic - sheer emotion and little logic by the time the topic got shut down. Message boards, like automobiles, give some people an enhanced sense of bravado they woud never exhibit face-to-face in a different environment. Don't let a sweeping, broad, ill-considered remark like that get to you. Just remember the old adage that opinions are like (fill in the blank) - everyone has one. Some just can't express theirs without belittling others who aren't in lockstep with agenda.
Besides, the infectuous enthusiasm you bring to any and every topic would be missed greatly. It would be boring without the 'Tude Dude. Lastly, anyone named "Gary" is supremely OK by me.
Last edited by bulldog34; 04/29/10 09:31 PM. Reason: Really , I CAN spell "infectuous" - when my fingers don't rebel.
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And, while we're stating things for the record, the only thing the TudeDude has terrorized is a countless number of trails with his unfailing positive attitude and inspiration ... as for violence, well, that ain't Danu. Passionate about his beliefs, standards, and what's right, yes. Violent? No.
The edited quote was indeed sweeping and overbroad, and thus the probable reason for it's deletion or withdrawal.
But after thinking about it, though, I have seen one example of violence -- +@ti2d can scare away a bear from a campsite like no other. Truly a gift. And "peep" does not describe anything at all about my friend, especially his voice.
You're one of a kind, Gary.