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Ending with another SA remark: There are plenty of peaks out there on lists that aren't worthy of being climbed. Other routes attain status because it's a macho thing to do. Mike asked if I was interested in the West Ridge of White a few weeks ago. My response: Why would I want to climb that P.O.S. route? To claim that I did? No thanks. Agreed on peaks on some lists that aren't worth it. Interesting opinion on West Ridge of White Mt. I thought you would be a big fan of it since you have an affinity for suffering and doing peaks from the Owen Valley.
When in doubt, go up.
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Kev, it must have become a POS route after you decided to do the south rib; or maybe the north; or perhaps he really means the east ridge. Man, you sure climb that mountain a lot. I mean, there are so many... oh, wait... Or maybe it was before you and Chris had all your gear out on the floor of the Moose Lodge scanning the Yosemite books. "Nothing under four stars, man!" Boy, am I glad you haven't chosen any POS routes to climb with me, cuz, you know, I love those. I don't usually take the bait with trolling remarks. But I guess Richard pulled out the orange power bait on this one. It's kinda like eating osso bucco: you might want to try it first before you spout off. Richard, you do this board a great service with your weekly trips up and down Whitney. Your pictures help prepare those who might have no other idea what they are venturing into and give relatively up to date information. I mean, this is how the whole Board got started, with DougSr and Jr running up the MR and down the MT then writing something up in a clipboard to post in the Store. Simply put: you don't like me, I don't like you. We don't hike together. We serve different roles and purposes here, which is fine. I have, in the past, attempted to talk about things with you, and have been rebuffed, which is also fine. Then it got nasty, and personal, and I attempted to take the oxygen out of the fire by laying low, disappearing and taking care of myself. Then I realized I missed my Whitney Family, so I started writing again. My adventures are for me. I choose to share them as I please. I have an extraordinary array of climbing partners and dear friends who happen to enjoy the same level of insanity. I don't care what you think of the routes I choose. The West Ridge was a tremendous day for me, and no matter what negativity is uttered from under that mustache, you can't take that feeling away from me. I smile more and more broadly every time I look up to that peak out my kitchen window. There are adventures to be had, even by going up and down the same mountain every week. I choose to scramble it a bit, look for what I think are aesthetically pleasing and challenging routes, be they slogs or, starting more often now, technical climbs. This weekend, I'll be heading up the East Ridge of Cardinal Peak on Saturday, and I hope to ski the Hourglass Couloir on Sunday to catch up with friends on Dade. I'm starting early to avoid any possible weather and hopefully to catch sunrise on the east face of Split. Why don't you come along? Pace will be solid and steady, just like always. 0300 start time, Taboose Trailhead. Besides, I need a snake sweeper.
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Guess I missed out on a lot of history here?
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Did seem to be intentionally provoked.
"The child is within me still...and sometimes not so still!" -Mr. Rogers
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Mmm..75 summits. I'll bet you saw something different and experienced something different on each one. Cherished memories all of them. I'm happy to have been part of two of them.  Keep on climbin' RP..
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That was a real cheap shot by RP. Un-provoked and totally unnecessary.It is the sign of a small and bitter man.RP you could have taken the high road but you just can't so you will never have the respect that you could have had if you hadn't chosen to belittle others and exalt your own exploits, redundant as they are.
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Hey Rodney...(I decided to aim this at you for conversation sake).
You and I both live in SoCal and I don't remember ever seeing a POS route. I mean, I hike Mt Wilson for God's sake. I hike Santiago Peak outside of Corona...... On a good day, I hike San Jacinto. Now, that's no POS! I'll tell you. I've been on that sucker a whole bunch, and I've never seen a POS on it....with the exception of Coyote. Never thought of it when I'm on the trail. I just look around, take some pics, enjoy the beauty of it all. I taste the water from springs on the side of the trail, I eat mixed nuts while I sit on a log next to a small waterfall. Nope, no POS'es anywhere. Geeez, I know you hike the areas around Valencia. I know you've never seen a POS around there. My God, just getting away from the friken bills, the job, the stress of this economy....now that's not a POS, that's HEAVEN. And I don't care what trail you're on, what gravel road....heck I know that even those famous steps at the college in Valencia aren't even a POS. I mean, there's gotta be some pretty cute girls around the track. Am I right?
You know Rodney....it's because we're different, just like many of the people who read this board. We aren't going to hike every mountain in the Sierra's. We may only do a couple. But, from what I know about you....you and I love the Sierra's, we love hiking, we love Mt Whitney, and it's for all the right reasons.
You know, I've only summited Whitney once. I tried twice. Both were really, really fun and really, really hard. I'm going again this year...in fact I'm going twice. With that said, you, me, Bulldog and lots of people on this board have made Whitney not only their goal, but their "Dream". Rodney, you and I did it to beat cancer. You and I both cried at the top. We're not the only ones. Whitney is more than a goal to most. Looking at that mountain from the 395 and seeing how majestic it is, I can hardly drive through Lone Pine on the way to Bishop without stopping, taking a few pics (again), and yea, one of the most fun parts....looking at my kid and saying, "you and I were up there". You know what's silly? I still remember reading Doug's book about two years ago.....and looking forward to seeing him at that "Portal" thing I had heard so much about, and I'm 53! I said, Hi, I'm Joe, quillansculpture, and he said "Hey, how are you doing, you wrote about melanoma" and he introduced me to some guy named "gigamike". You know, he never mentioned POS trails anywhwere in the Sierra's.
It's late, I'm rambling and I apologize for going on so long. But, I gotta tell you. I like Richard's stories. I like Laura's stories.......Oh my God, I like everyone's stories. There really is no such thing as a POS trail, just trails. They all lead to a place we want to be.....a mountain top, a stream, a place with crisp air and it's always with the person, the friend we will always share everything with.....ourselves. And we would never take our friend on a POS trail.
I am looking so forward to meeting more people from this board when I go up to the Portal. I'm looking forward to the Burger, to the fries....and oh yea, my friend who I've never seen, but met on this board, Bulldog34. This board is way more important than dissing others or talking about POS trails. Bulldog has a dream and he almost made it last year. He's flying 2500 miles from Atlanta with his family to hike the trail and he asked me to come along. I am friken honored. Now that's what Doug built. He built a site, a board, a place for people to talk, to argue and yea, to become friends and trust each other.... Wow Doug.....you outdid yourself!
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I promised myself that I was going to stay away from this topic, but QS did such a brilliant job of setting the table that I can't resist. I've been monitoring this board for about 18 months and have been a member since last summer, when I made my first Whitney attempt. As QS says, I'll be back in a few weeks to give it another try (having learned that I'm not immune to AMS as I previously thought after 20 years of hiking, and that sleeping high just might be smarter than sleeping low despite the US Olympic team policy).
During those 18 months as an "outsider" I've come to the conclusion that there are two categories of people on the board - those who live and play in the Sierra and those who live to play in the Sierra, whether it's someone like me on the other side of the country, or QS just a few hours away from the Portal. For those of us who rarely get to the eastern Sierra, but who ruminate over it all year, these boards are a Godsend. Reading the TRs and commentary keeps the juices flowing for us, and we're indebted to those live-and-play giants like Laura and Richard (and others) who are regular posters, and so courteously include detail, photos and humor for us to salivate over. Every TR I read, every MMWT condition report, every route description - they motivate me to spend a couple of weeks out there each year, and damn the expense.
Those of us who watch from afar don't really know or comprehend the social dynamics that are in play with the hikers/climbers who are in the Sierra on an almost weekly basis. Some friction is unavoidable, I'm sure, with those who regularly cross paths pursuing their peaks. Bound to happen - mountain people are human too. When it shows up on these boards, though, it's a downer for most of us. We (the "afar" group) would like to believe that the Whitney community is one big happy family, united by our love for what we do - but that'll happen when pigs fly.
Was Richard's final comment, in an otherwise enjoyable thread, uncalled for and provocative? Damn straight. Even I picked up on it. I fail to see what point it served - all it did was remind me that Laura, who I have a tremendous amount of respect for, had a memorable 10,000-foot-gain day in winter conditions, and that I wish to God I could do half of that POS route and live to tell about it. After re-reading Laura's thread on that ascent, I've come to the conclusion that the acronym POS actually stands for Plenty Of Suffering. That was a monster day Laura - you absolutely should feel proud and fulfilled. None of us hikes or climbs for other people - only ourselves, and the satisfaction it brings. You just keep on helping those stories write themselves, and we'll keep on reading 'em with gusto.
Richard, you're also a beast, and I wish I could accomplish half of what you do. I enjoy your TRs and appreciate the knowledge and expertise you bring to those of us who can't hold your pack strap. I hope someday to be able to shake your hand. And Laura's as well.
And no Joe, the honor is mine. See you in July brother.
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Here's a thought - quality of life, love, and world peace might all be more attainable if we "didn't get bored with repetition" - now, there is a way of thinking that makes life always exicting (I realize I'm only extrapolating from "Ground Hog Day" - the movie that is) - that is, it's in the details and time to start learning from history.
The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get to the office. Robert Frost
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Hey Rodney...(I decided to aim this at you for conversation sake).
You and I both live in SoCal and I don't remember ever seeing a POS route. I mean, I hike Mt Wilson for God's sake. I hike Santiago Peak outside of Corona...... On a good day, I hike San Jacinto. [/b][/i] Kinda sounds like we should team up sometime. I hike a lot of the same stuff. Sanny J is a favorite when I don't have time to get into Kings Canyon. Taking Team Snail up South Ridge to Tahquitz and then over to San J on the 28th - LMK if you wanna join up. Some may call it a POS route, but to me there is no such thing when your outside and with friends.....................................DUG
Last edited by DUG; 05/17/10 03:57 PM.
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Joe Bulldog.Dug I'll hike any POS there is with any or all of ya.Of course I have yet to find such a thing as a POS to hike.
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OK I give up I'll ask, am I the only one who doesnt know, what is a POS hike/route...Is it what bulldog says? mark
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Bulldog has his personal definition, but the term was more likely meant in the derogatory "Piece of S**t" vein. Seems to be the consensus anyway. If we're off base, Richard will let us know.
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I wasn't going to chime in, but having seen too many times on this board what happens when one's humility and grace gets overshadowed by one's ego... and then the fan base starts up... Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, many clearly and loudly voice theirs and don't receive the criticism dished out herein. You've got other places to do that, please keep it there.
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None of us are perfect. We all have our own little issues.
Let's forgive all and move past this discussion and back to real climbing/hiking matters.
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I think my idea of POS is this: POSitive thoughts & and comments so all can enjoy this Forum !!
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LOL..sorry to bump this thread back up..I know I should just let it die a slow and painful death is it scrolls down the page. But I just wanted to say that I totally overlooked all the drama in this thread and just now got back to it to really look at what was said.
That said - I'd just like to state that I'd go hiking with any of you (Richard P, Laura, hell..I'd even go with that mean spirit "Crystal" that tormented me for years...)..