I don't really count my first time as I was a young 16 year old running cross country in high school and prepping for a three week pack trip up the John Muir trail. We ditched school and drove up. Froze our buts off sleeping in the car cause it was too late in the day to try for the summit and we didn't think to bring anything for an over nighter. Woke up early the next day, grabbed out amy canteens and ran up to the top. Two guys didn't make it, puking before the switchbacks. My brother and I did it and came right back down. Young and strong, dumb and stupid.
This time I'm coming up with a group of people who hike during the week and on the weekends. We have done most of the big ones in SoCal (Wilson, Baden-Powel, Baldy, Gregornio)as part of our training. We plan on being up in the Portal area four days prior to get acclimated.
I have been reading the posts and looking at the fantastic photos and wanted to chime in and say hello.
Not sure what to ask yet but will throw out a few questions soon.