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sds #100660 01/10/16 05:31 PM
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We only had enough time for a short hike, but still wanted to get out for a bit. We set a turnaround time and headed up Register Ridge. We made it to an elevation of about 8,000' before starting our descent.

*The snow was soft and we did not need any winter traction devices for most of the hike.

*Around 7200', the snow was deep enough to justify using snowshoes and they became especially useful at about 7600, where we were breaking trail. We found some areas where the windblown snow was 3' deep.

*By the time we started our descent (~10 AM), the temperature had risen significantly and the snow was becoming wet and sticky. I would guess that microspikes would be useful tomorrow and beyond, especially in those areas that had high foot traffic.

*On our descent, we passed 8-10 people that were headed up. I would expect the trail to be broken all the way to Devil’s Backbone Trail and possibly up to Mt. Harwood.

Clicking HERE or on the screenshot at the top of the post will bring you to a small gallery of photos from yesterday.

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Didn't summit today on Bear Flat but had a great time in the snow and with Tracie. We saw 5 people on the trail and all turned back, the higher we went up the slower we went and the postholing was happening more so we had a turn around time at 1:00. We saw Abe and he said the dense clouds turned him around and the snow was getting deeper on ahead, if you don't know Abe he's from San Diego and going to be 73 this year and does Bear Flat every Sunday at least 45 weeks out of the year,when he speaks I listen, he said he'll be back on Tuesday with better weather.

Great day on Baldy
pictures here

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Nice photos Mark!

I took a time-lapse at sunrise this morning, looking towards the San Gabriel Mountains:

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Hi Mark,
They are super nice winter photos.
I am glad that you turned around. Bear canyon is super hard especially after the fresh snow. I learned my lesson many years ago so no more Bear canyon in winter for me.

I got my regular exercise on Ski hut trail on Monday and just to Ski hut today.
I wanted to avoid heavy weekend traffic on Mt. Baldy road after the big snow storm.
Mt. Baldy road wad nice and dry except Manker parking had some icy spots.
Ski hut trail has 1-2 feet of snow to Ski hut. The trail had a few modified routes because of the snow.
From Ski hut to summit had two separate routes with 2-3 feet of snow: One followed to regular summer trail through rock garden. But the trail was set a bit lower direction. Other trail goes up the bottom of bowl and leads diagonally on the steep slope to the ridge on the left to merge into regular summer trail the ridge above. Rest of the trail was very nice snow trail to the summit. Microspike and a set of poles are must. No crampons or snowshoes.
I saw several hikers went up the Bowl today.
(Photos are member album link.)

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Ok so 2nd time around worked, long day but made Bear Flat to the Summit, tough hike, high winds going across the ridge turned Abe and 3 other people back. Frank Des and I and 3 others are the only ones to the summit yesterday from Bear Flat. I don't know who the hell made tracks on the down slope on the ridge,glad it didn't give way..
So now that I did it off to other areas- Deer Springs overnight, San G overnight-the Wall, in coming weeks.Another foot + of snow please mother nature.

Thanks Shin and Chevy for your comments..

Wind 40+
avg. temp 35-38deg.

hey just another bitchen day on Baldy

pictures here


so how much alcohol does it take to stay warm in 50mph gust grin

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Great pictures Mark.

I have done Bear Canyon in the winter a few times but the snow was firm enough to hold us. A pair of crampons and it is like walking on blacktop.

Yesterday was not like that, soft deep snow and not many footprints, softer snow makes the steeper places safer but it is was much harder. I can’t remember the last time I started with a headlamp and had to put it back on to finish.

In winter that trail gets more beautiful the higher you go.

Frank A
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together"

African Proverb
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Trail & Snow Conditions: Icehouse Canyon, Bighorn Peak, & Cucamonga Peak, January 16 2016

Saturday I loaded up my pack and headed up Icehouse Canyon to test some gear. It was a beautiful day. Here's a pic looking towards Baldy and Harwood, from the ridge I climbed to get to Bighorn.

Micros or similar traction was needed up until Icehouse Saddle. At that point most used more aggressive traction, as well as helmets, and ice axe.

I've posted some detailed info regarding trail & snow conditions, as well as the gear I tested on my blog.

Trail & Snow Conditions: Icehouse Canyon, Bighorn Peak, & Cucamonga Peak, January 16 2016

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Did Baldy Bowl today.

I didn't need snowshoes. Put on crampons at the hut, wore them to the summit and then back down to the hut. Probably didn't NEED them, but they were in my pack...

About 45 degrees at the trailhead in the morning, then it warmed up a lot during the day. No wind.

sds #100717 02/04/16 01:19 AM
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Has anyone been on Baldy since the storm Sunday. Planning on going
up this Sat. Any input on road, trails, etc. much appreciated.

Happy Hiking

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Unfortunately there was a death on Baldy two days ago. Devil's backbone.;_ylt=AwrSbDuZe7NWKakA92BXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--

Be careful up there!

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Read a few more stories about an accidents in Icehouse Canyon (guy is alive as of the date of the story I read), Baldy Rd and ACH.

All it takes is a bit of snow followed by a day of warm weather and the San Gabriel's become one of the most dangerous ranges anywhere...

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Mt. Baldy trails are closed till Tuesday due to super icy condition.
There were 12 rescue operations and one more death in Icehouse canyon on Saturday according to "The Press-Enterprises". Please read the details yourself.

Last edited by Shin; 02/08/16 03:11 AM.
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While I was waiting for Tracie this morning 2 women asked me at Manker if Baldy was open and I said yea they told me that they closed Icehouse.We went up R/R icy and strong winds most of the day(the weatherman was right Saturday when he said Mtns. 65mph gust)

Saw no one go up main bowl one guy came down later in day.

someone ripped the caution tape down and people were going up icehouse, talked to one guy coming out and he only went up to saddle, to icy..

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Question: How can conditions be so icy that crampons wouldn't help?

Not trying to pick apart a comment made by a rescue professional, just trying to understand this before my next trip up there.

I have climbed all over but never seen conditions where full crampons (not microspikes), when used with an ice axe and a helmet, didn't solve the problem.

Interesting discussion here with links to stories with such cautionary quotes ...

sds #100745 02/09/16 08:29 PM
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Locally, I've seen two:

1. The Slabs above LBSL...bare windblown ice that was bulletproof to the typical Grivel, BD, etc 10-point crampon. Bailed off and bushwhacked to safety.

2. The ridge on Baden-Powell. Only slightly softer than bulletproof. Luckily, it softened up enough for the descent to keep it to slightly hair-raising.

If you go up with full-blown ice gear, I wouldn't sweat it too much.

sds #100746 02/09/16 10:57 PM
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Hi sds,
I have had a few occasions which the upper part of Mt. Baldy bowl was covered with blue ice. I had to slam my old fashioned and heavy Charlet Moser ice axe in stake position as hard as possible to secure my body all the way up. All the parts, pick, Adze,and spike, of this ax is made out of solid steel. All edge and tip is very sharp. I don't mind using a heavy duty ax to keep me "alive". Many hikers use very light ax with a pick cut diagonally today.
A modern ax looks nice but this kind of ice ax may not be effective on the slop frozen solid unless the hiker is experienced like Doug Sr.

One of WPSMB group hike several years back, Doug Sr. climbed iced up and very steep west side of Mt. Baldy bowl with a microspike and trekking poles. Wes G. and I followed Doug Sr. on the slop. We used ice ax and crampons but it was still very scary. Doug Sr. knows how to maintain the balance and control the body weight on very icy and steep slope.

Having gears is one thing but knowing how to use them is other thing.

Richard P. and I had a long slide down on north face of Baden-Powell. Yes, the canyon was frozen near solid.

I personally avoid all possible risks in advance if it is possible.

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Gee I was just getting ready to post and then Shin rats me out! Ok so the micro spike deal was, I make every effort to test gear we sale and sale at a fair price. After this climb I wrote up a short report saying they work well on flat trails and maybe very low angle slopes , since that time spikes have increased in length and new straps that may not fail the first few times out. Hillsound makes a great product with front points but most weekend hikers think they look scary?

OK so when will clampons fail? Richard tagged several locations, I will add one we have pictures of and was the result of a several fatal accidents. Above the notch on the Mountaineer's route and at the start of the "Easy Walk Off" .This 10'-20' section can be blue ice and 50 degree+ downslope with no distance to self arrest. Add to these condition the surface may be covered with scree.

Now onto what I had planned to say. I will call this "hard ice , blue ice or the poop that the front points bounce off. Caused by the melt/ freeze cycle. You find this in the later winter months, higher elevation and shaded areas . Add a fresh layer of snow 1-2 inches or wind blown and you are ready for the ride. The next problem is you have ice covered rock , covered by 1/8 of an inch ! crampons will bounce.
The steeper the slope may in fact be safer, you can read the slope, how deep the pack and get off long before you put yourself at risk.

That self arrest thing pray to God you never need to use it! Like in rock climbing the old school rules of never falling may have limited the rating but most lived longer.

On the poles , might as well clear that up as well , high quality poles shortened to the bottom of each section are very strong. Not so much for the cheap ones, on testing many of these brands I found Leki's to not bend or break and could control a steep slide. Would you want to risk your life on a long run out slope or a chance they might work ?? I say NO, this winter Stuff can get you in so many ways, and if you are not in a group or close to an exit point the elements may be fatal with a minor injury.

We hear it over and over I have crampons and ice ax should I go????? Can we rent the gear?? If you understand the dribble above the answer screams at you.

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All Mt. Baldy trails except the fire road to the Notch, Ski resort, is officially closed till further notice according to the ranger in charge at Mt. Baldy visitor center today.

We had a short hike up to the ridge around 8600 ft. The tree section is still icy. It is good to have a pair of crampons and trekking poles there.
The section below the Ski hut is dry except a few short icy spots.

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Hey guys,

Well to share in my embarrassment but hoping that it will help others, I was one of those who was pulled off last Saturday. I was going through the tree section just beyond the rock garden. I was hiking in earlier made footprints and was feeling fine. I had micros on. Maybe I should have noticed that the ground was more like ice than snow. I did feel confident that I was in no danger at the time. However I did slip and slid about 40-50 down and into a tree. Some hikers behind me got to me and helped me down to the hut (if you read this board, thanks for your help), which seemed to take forever. It seemed that there was already a chopper in the area, which was trying to get to another hiker. I indicated that I couldn't make it down on my own and I was airlifted out to USC Trauma Center. I sustained 4-6 rib fractures and a punctured lung. I'm home now with months of rehab to just get back to normal.

We often see people going up dressed like they are going for a walk around the park. I remember you Shin telling me that this mountain can kill you and its true!

So with that best to you all and hope to see you in more than a few months


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Randy, thank you for posting that. If l weren't recovering from knee surgery it could easily have been me. Do the @$##/\& rehab and get well soon.

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