I live in South Carolina and got a backcountry permit for Mount Whitney in August. I have read that the road from Long Pine to Whitney Portal is undergoing some work and parking near the trailhead is limited. I've also read that flights in and out of Mountain Lakes Airport are unreliable. My plan was to fly into LAX, catch a connecting flight to Mountain Lakes, then rent a car and drive to Whitney Portal. Now I am second guessing my plan. If a Californian was coming to South Carolina to hike The Foothills Trail I could give all kinds of helpful advice. I'm hoping someone very familiar with Mt. Whitney, especially traveling to and from, could offer some helpful advice to me.
By "backcountry permit" I think you mean overnight permit. Parking passes are provided for those with permits, so while finding a space could be a problem, you should have a reasonable window of opportunity to find a space since your departure time is not too restricted.
You did not specify your arrival/departure dates, so some of the following may not apply. Do you plan to arrive a couple of days early to acclimate? Will you be staying in a hotel, or camping? If camping, where do you plan to camp? etc.....
As to logistics, I'm with Harvey on this. It should be relatively easy to find flights into LAS and having a car would provide additional flexibility. You will need to get to/from:
Visitor center (to pick up permit)
Trail Head
Perhaps a trip to Horseshoe meadows to help acclimate
While Lone Pine is very walkable, it could also be hotter than hades. I guess the distance from town (hotels) to the Visitor Center could be 1 mile (RT). At 100+ degrees this might not be so much fun.
If you do take public transportation (or do not want to risk parking issues) there are options to get to the trailhead. I doubt there is UBER, but there are a couple of folks offering shuttle service.
I checked out the cost of shuttle service from East Side Sierra Shuttle (
- From Lone Pine: $65 plus $20/extra passenger. If you are staying at the Mount Whitney Portal Hostel and Hotel (highly recommended) there will likely be others in your same situation. Perhaps not too difficult to find someone to share the cost of the shuttle.
- And to leave at 2:00 AM (or other "non business" hour) an additional $100.00. So, for one person, leaving at 2:00 AM the total would be $165.00
- This additional charge does not likely apply to you since you will most likely be leaving Lone Pine during normal business hours.
- Getting back to Lone Pine is normally easy. Stop at the Portal Store for a beer and a burger (you will have earned it) and check with those folks around your table and you will likely find someone willing to give you a ride. Worst case is to walk down the road a bit, and stick out your thumb. You should be able to hitch a ride within 10 or 15 minutes.