Hi All,
I've been attempting to get a walk-in permit to day hike Whitney (actually Russell but it's the same permit) for about 10 days now and I've noticed that there are very few available on the recreation.gov site even after the no-show time of noon everyday. Is there a reason for this? Out of 100 day permits available everyday I would expect that at least 4 or more would be no-shows but the most that I've seen so far is 3 permits that were available on one day. Up until the pandemic you had to show up in person to claim a permit, right? And if you didn't show up then the permit was released to be reassigned to the walk-in permit pool. Now, since everything has been moved to online only permit issuance, nobody checks to see if the person that has the permit is actually going to show up and go, hence the no-shows never get released to be reassigned. People who don't cancel their permits when they don't go are never found out by the Rangers at the Inter-Agency Center and thus the permit goes unused. Is this a fair description of the current situation? I know that this is the busiest of all seasons on the mountain but it just seems odd that there aren't more walk-in permits available online.