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Hi Bob,
Yes, we are getting old but we are still moving around.
Snow is melting very first on Baldy.
Manker to 8000 feet was mostly dry and summer trail was visible.
Ski hut to the summit was very slushy deep snow. Rock garden and shoreline were very slushy deep snow. There was a solid 1-2-foot deep track on left hand side most slope of west bowl, straight up to west ridge was the best. Snow was very deep everywhere.
8700-9000 feet: Stay in glissading track. Harder base. Or, hope around sun cups ridges.
9000-9300 feet: Stay along the glissading track. A bit harder base.
9300-9500 feet: Stay close to the near the ridgeline of winter trail. West facing slope was very icy.
The rest of the trail was hard enough for crampons or microspike to the summit.
We practiced glissading with "microspike" on the same spots as last weekend. It was south facing long gentle slope with two catch basin on regular summer tail. Snow was slushy entire slope.
We enjoyed our last snow hike. It better to hike down to Ski hut via from the west ridge to tree section is better than hiking down
toward bowl slope.

We met the "Hiking Twins" and his father. Today was their 59th Baldy summit. I also met my long-time hiking friend Mac, WPSMB member. 5xBaldy/day hiker Brent was up there, too.

Have a great hike.

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Snow is melting very fast. San Antonio waterfall was running very strong.
To Ski hut: 99% free of snow. One falling tree blocking the trail around 7700 feet.
There was 1-5-foot deep slushy snow from Ski hut to 9700 feet.
There was an established good trail in the tree section along the summer trail. No need to go bottom of west bowl.
From 8700-9300: There were many tracks and very deep footsteps. It was a total mess late morning. Snow was firm around summit mound.
There weren't any visible tracks in other chutes in the bowl except Procrastination chute (very center chute) with relatively solid steps established on or along glissading tracks with much more consolidated base than other area.
There was a sizable rock fall from the ridge above. Take turn to watch each other any falling rocks.
There were many snow bridges or very deep voids around big rocks.

I ran into Gilbert(WPSMB) and his friend on the way down and had a nice visit. Ski hut was open with many guests.
It is better to start hiking early to avoid slushy snow conditions.

Have a great hike.

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Thanks for this update and photos. Some friends are planning a summit attempt on Baldy soon. I told them to keep an eye out for your posts, as conditions seem to be changing quickly.

The extraordinary effort you make to share your experiences/observations with us is deeply appreciated.


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Baldy got 1-3 foot of new snow last week.
Fire road: Some snow to the Bowl trail junction. Icy on asphalt road early in the morning.
To Ski hut: Mostly covered with good snow. Melted late morning on lower section.
Ski hut to the summit: Good track was established on deep soft snow. But tree section to the west ridge was very deep and bad. The wooden sign was almost covered with recent snow.
From 8700-9400 (south facing slope) Deep soft snow. Stay on same track to save your energy.
From 9400-summit: Good track was established along the mouth of chutes looking over the bowl below. It is a very good idea to stay on same track especially on deep soft snow condition.
This new snow has slide already in north west side of main bowl and upper part of main chutes area. We took Procrastination chute route. It provided us a good step with new soft snow bonded with good old snow base.
It was very windy over 40 mph from northwest and cold.
We had a very interesting weather in one day.

Have a geat hike.

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I drove up to LP on Thursday morning , rain from IE an turned to snow at top of I 15 for about 1/2 mile then dry from Victorville to LP . We had about inches at the closed gate , in the morning but dry at 2 pm and clear now to the store and around the loop so road is rock free and snow free, may ice around the portal in the shade as we get melt from the plowed snow banks. Gate still locked at the bottom but may open this week.
Hey keep hinting on following the same track , using an existing track helps the next hikers and can save post holing and risking lower leg injuries. Also saves the effort of estabishing a fresh trail .

Thanks for another great report!!

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Congratulations on Mt Baldy ascent #750. That must convert into several million feet of vertical gain. Awesome.

Wishing you many more ascents.


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Hi Jim.
Thank you very much for the kind words.
I feel that I am very lucky to share the knowledge and experience I learned over the years from Doug Sr., Richard P., Rick G. Jeff M., and you, and many other hikers on this board with local hikers training for Mt. Whitney and other peaks in Sierra. I feel as if I am a driver of local commuter bus line, picking up customers and dropping off at their destinations and describing the outside scenery from the window on same bus line for many years. It sounds very boring but every hike is something special to me. I have been hiking solo or with whoever invited me or whoever wants to improve certain things mostly endurance, slow hiking, which I can assist. When they reach their goals, we go separate way. As long as I am invited by younger hikers, I will keep on hiking. Regular hiking keeps doctors away. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
It's about 18 million steps (up&down) and about 3 million feet of elevation gain. There must be a better way to spend my time.

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Snow is melting very fast.
To Ski hut: completely dry.
From Ski hit to bottom of tree section: Rock garden is still covered with 1-4 foot deep snow. Many big voids around rocks.
Main bowl got very thin. West bowl had still good amount of snow.
To west ridge: Solid single-track meandering the slope. Stay on the track to the summit.
West ridge to 9200 feet : Large portion of south facing slope lost snow. Stay on right hand side of sandy slop to avoid slushy snow slope.
West facing slope 9200-9400 : Entire west facing slope to Goode canyn was very hard icy old snow. Do not slip down.
Around the summit: Most of recent snow was gone except old hard snow. Dowson, Pine, and Baiden Powell lost most of snow.
Bear canyon direction: There was still good amount of snow from Narrow, West Baldy to Baldy. (Possible long post holing)
There were several skiers and snowboarders on Baldy.
Snow hiking season is almost done. I met a hiker carry 50 lb. pack training for Sierra. There were several people training for self-arrest and other snow skills. Snow got very slushy late morning.
Snow season is about to over.

Have a great hike.

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Hi, I would like to hike Register Ridge to the Summit this Saturday. Does anyone know how the snow conditions are on Register Ridge to the Summit? How is the Devil's backbone?

Is it safe with just spikes?

How about the Old Baldy Bear Canyon trail to the Summit?

Thank you for any info


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Hi Janet,

I went up Register last Saturday (5/13). There was no snow until a quarter mile or so below the backbone, but it was solid from there to a bit above the backbone, and I used microspikes. I wanted to avoid that narrow bend in the backbone close to the saddle so I went up and over Harwood. No snow most of the way up Harwood or on the backbone until close to the summit of Baldy. You ought to be fine with microspikes; you don't mention hiking poles, but I always use them on Register.

Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow, as I'm planning on going up Register and down the Ski Hut Trail.


gwp #105359 05/19/23 01:36 PM
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That sounds great! I will try register ridge next. See you Mac!


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Hi Janet,
My friend, Todd, hiked through Bear canyon today. Consolidate firm snow from Narrow to Badly summit. He used a bit more aggressive traction device (Hill sound) than micro spike. Many cars were parked in Baldy Village for Bear canyon hike early this morning.
Register ridge looked completely dry. DBT had a small snow patch near Mt. Harwood.
Ski hut trail still had solid snow from Rock Garden to the west ridge under tree section and 9300 to summit. Rest of the trail was dry. Snow got very slushy late morning.
I met the hiking twins and their parents. They are super nice as usual. Today was their 60th Mt. Baldy summit.
I met Sean, WPSMB member, and his team training for Mt. Whitney in late July. We had a nice visit. Many hikers are training for Mt. Whitney.

Have a great hike.

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Thanks for the update Shin! Nice pics smile See you on Baldy

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Team, this chat group and information is amazing. Need some insight..
My nephew and I have reservations for 6/29-6/30 for an overnight trip to the summit. I am 62, and in pretty good shape. Trained on Mt. San Antonio and regular hikes locally w/20-30 lb. backpack. Gear is no issue.
We plan to do the switchback route to the summit.
Using micro-spikes, and otherwise well prepared with gear and food. Spending one night at Consultation Lake, summiting the next AM, and then returning all the way back.

Any suggestions on the trail conditions currently or possibly expected to be like during last week of June? Do's and Don't? I signed up to this message board this week, but have been following for weeks.

Thank you all for any feedback. We love to hike, but this is our first Whitney attempt, and if we need to, we will turn around if it looks or we feel that the conditions are not something we can handle. Getting some feedback about the trail would be appreciated, now and until trip time.


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My daughters and I will be camping at Whitney Portal when you and your nephew are planning to hike. We have Mt Whitney hiking permits then also. We are only prepared to summit provided the switchbacks are "open."

I follow this Message Board closely and just spent the last three days camping at Whitney Portal to acclimatize and to get first hand info on conditions, including talking to some people who were on the Mountain and listening carefully to what Doug Sr had to say.

Based on my current impression, we might walk up the Main Trail several miles on the day of our permit, as well as take hikes in the many interesting areas close by on the other days. However, we have no expectation that the switchbacks will be usable in late June this season.

One of my daughters has never been up the Main Trail, so any experience she gains can be useful for a Summit attempt in the future.

Have a enjoyable outing.


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Thank you Jim. I wish you and your daughter a great time up there as well. We have planned to arrive the night prior. About to start looking for a nearby hotel, and if no spots open, will look to camp at one of the open spots. Portal or walk in ones.
Everyone I talk to who's done the switchbacks (not on this forum) tells me the switchbacks will be sketchy. I am hoping that other friends on this forum continue to provide feedback up to the 29th of June at least.
I've now read enough articles, watched enough YouTube videos of hikers sliding down the switchback w/o crampons, micro-spikes during a snow year and almost going over the edge. If it was up to me, i cancel early if any part of the switchbacks or the trail look and feel suspicious or discomforting.
My nephew is young, early 30's very strong, and aggressive; I am extremely calculating and in my earl 60's. trying to find the right balance between wisdom and foolishness smile

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Originally Posted By razmikO
I am extremely calculating and in my earl 60's. trying to find the right balance between wisdom and foolishness smile

I think the right balance is realizing the trail will be there next year, you may not with the wrong decision. smile

Four years ago, I attempted the summit on 3 nights of poor sleep and got dizzy standing up from a short break near Trail Camp. Was also overly tired (more than my fitness level suggested I should be) and just felt unwell, and decided I was getting early symptoms of AMS. Grudgingly turned around, but am happy I am able to attempt again this August.

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I went up the Old Mt Baldy Trail the same day as Shin's friend (5/27) and found more snow and fewer tracks than anticipated. Above the narrows the snow was fairly solid and slippery, and (for those unfamiliar with the trail) that section, although not nearly as steep an ascent as Bear Flats to the narrows, is a long traverse where you could easily slide into an injury. I saw one person with microspikes turn back and two others summit. I continued with microspikes---slowly---but missed my crampons and axe enough that I went down the Ski Hut Trail. Some of the snow will probably hang around for a while in the section where the trail gradually descends through some shady trees.


gwp #105430 06/03/23 07:30 AM
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Does anyone know if Manker flat campground is opened?

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Never mind. Got the answer

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