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Group hikers! Please see sticky above regarding Doug's great potluck dinner event at the Whitney Portal Hostel (This event is for everybody - not just group hikers). This will be right after the group hike. It will be an event to remember!
Also, we still have room available for group hikers at the Whitney Portal campground campsites for Fri. & Sat. 9/26 & 9/27. If interested, please PM me. We have several already signed up.
Thanks, Phil
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This trip is finally feeling close - I will be up this weekend doing some route scouting - will bring back a report on temps, times and mileages for those interested.
I will join the potluck party but have to drive back to Ridgecrest for some personel business in the evening. May be interested in going out on Sunday also if anyone has any plans?
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I'll be climbing Mt. Pancake on Sunday morning if anyone wants to join me... 
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Im probably gonna have to just drive home after the hike, as long as I have the energy to do so.
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I'm so gullable. I actually went to summitpost.org and looked for Mt Pancake. Moose is talking about The Portal's pancakes, right?
I saw TomCat wanted to do something on Sunday? Any options? Circque Peak? I'll have to check with my man DoogieMan if he's cool for a hike on Sunday as well....
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I'm so gullable. I actually went to summitpost.org and looked for Mt Pancake. Moose is talking about The Portal's pancakes, right? Oh Jeff, Jeff, Jeff...
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jeff, sunday i will be climbing mt drive home(5 fliping hrs) so if you dont want to carpool let me know,whatever you want to do is cool with me
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After potluck I have to drive down to Ridgecrest due to a commitment. But since it is only an hour away from Lone Pine, would easily be back up for a short easy day 2 hike.
some that come to mind- Mt. Pancake(google summipost) Muah Mountain - just love the name Woolyback Independence Cirque
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I am carpooling with Richard (spinefxr). He plans on a short day hike on Sunday. Would be nice if we could join you. I'll stay in touch on this one.
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If we head to Woollyback, I'd be up for that (mmmm... Mt. Pancake). MC: the hike (I believe) would take us by Muir Lake, an excellent turn-around point for a shorter day (I think it's about 4 miles one-way). -L 
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I'm so gullable. I actually went to summitpost.org and looked for Mt Pancake. Moose is talking about The Portal's pancakes, right? Oh Jeff, Jeff, Jeff... I'm laughing so hard...!! You are sooooo entertaining!  CaT
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I'm here to make sure people are having a great time......
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I got a little faked out by that Mt. Pancake thing at first. I have yet to conquer that beast at the Whitney Portal.
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I'm here to make sure people are having a great time...... I'm so very happy to delegate!  That's what I usually say: I only got invited on this trip because I'm handy ...
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That's what I usually say: I only got invited on this trip because I'm handy ... I thought you got invited because of your gourmet meals and summit beverages!
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Since I saw my name mentioned: I'll probably be along for the start of this one, but just like I avoided Mills when SC'08 went there with a large group, I'm going to avoid Dragon with a large group on it.
Please be safe.
I'll make a suggestiion for next year right now: Candlelight from the Meysan Lake Trail. Scree doesn't come crashing down on anybody below. Those who don't like slog climbing can hang at the lakes.
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Hi Phil (lik2hik), I tried to PM you about the group camp sites but your PM quota is full. Is there room for one more please? It would be great to hang out with the group those nights. Thanks!
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Brent: thanks for the heads up on the PM quota. I cleared out some room there. Plenty of room at the Portal campsites. I'll put you down for 1 spot.
take care, Phil
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Hey Tom Hope you had a great time on Dragon this past weekend. Was wondering about conditions as I will be packing my gear for my trip down (I leave next week). Trying to keep my luggage as light as possible but want to be sure I am prepared. Thanks! MC
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Hi M.C. and group hikers -
Yesterday Moosie, Kathy and I climbed Dragon. We did not take the time to traverse to Gould for a variety of reasons. The trip lasted 11 hours. While we agreed we could have done in 1-2 hours less; we wanted to simulate pace of what we thought a group might do of varied speeds and skill levels. While we assume some will just hike up to the Golden Trout Lakes; others will still want to climb Dragon.
It is late in the season - so most of the running water streams are dry and/or low. From the upper lake region water must be taken from the lakes. Although I do not filter and am comfortable with these lakes - some may chose to filter.
No snow(to speak of) in the drainage chute from the upper lake(referred to by some as Dead Mouse Lake)up to the ridge access. This means some added time for talus conditions and definate added time on descent due to "no glissading" conditions.
Temps were still comfortable during the day though noted it has cooled slightly in the last couple weeks. We were in the parking lot having a beer after the hike and noted that once the sun goes down - temp cools fast. Fall weather is coming.
This weekend was close to full moon time - so in two week probably close to no moon.
Rest of trip report to follow including Moose's very eloquant writing style.
For my .02c worth. I think this would be a long day hike for the group which may likewise get down close to dark for the summiters. If the potluck / meals starts rolling at 4pm; then likely there is a chance the group may arrive later.
Does that mean an alternate peak or hike should be suggested - not sure - just adding my observation for thought.
I have to run and do some errands for now - more to follow.