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Hi Had a few thoughts, helments, ropes, and gear 3-4 class and 40' foot fall zone this maybe a climb not a hike. Thanks Doug
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ok is it me - or does this rock look like a dragon guarding the gate
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Nah, it's just the 'Peace out, bro!' Rock!  I agree with Doug that the latter end of this outing is a climb, not a hike. As I said in my TR, it's a strenuous day, especially the talus field to get up to the chute, the sand in the chute, and picking your way across the ridge. Just to get to Dead Mouse Lake alone is a solid day, with 3000 vertical feet of gain along the trail (a few little moraines to cross as well). I hope everyone going along will heed Phil and Paul's advice: go as far as you are COMFORTABLE. If your gut is saying hold up, do yourself a favor and HOLD UP. We are really just out here for a grand time, to meet some people face to face, and to enjoy the magnificence that is our Sierra. I'm really looking forward to sharing time with all of you. Again, I'm going to be starting with the group, carrying a fairly loaded pack (wait, how's that different again???) with fishing stuff and I'll be turning around at Dead Mouse Lake. If the weather gods smile, there may be swimming involved as well. I really hope we have a great turnout! And then there's the Moosie-Q afterwards, gotta get shopping... Y'all have a great weekend, be safe, and HAVE FUN! -L 
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No. That is a Moose. ok is it me - or does this rock look like a dragon guarding the gate
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I'm planning on joining the hike, but not summitting.
Something I've not heard anyone mention, is the altitude. I know that one of the factors working against me is that I have no acclimatization, at all, and I do not respond well to that situation.
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So far i am still planning on making it this weekend. BUT i am looking for someone to commute with. I live in Bakersfield and i can leave friday afternoon ANYONE COMING THROUGH THIS WAY???
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Group Hike Stuff:
Below is a list of participants. Tom would like to know who is planning on going to the summit. Check the list and if you plan on summiting and your name is not on the summit list, please let Tom know via PM to him, to me, or by posting on this thread.
Events and times:
Friday night informal (i.e. just show up if you want to) dinner at the Whitney Portal Store. Anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 PM.
After dinner, some of us will be staying at the Portal Family Campground (sites 10 & 11 among others). Come join us!
Saturday Morning. Breakfast at the High Sierra Café. We will be there about 5:00 or 5:15 AM. This is a chance to meet for breakfast and also set up carpools. We will be leaving so that we can arrive at Onion Valley trailhead about 6:45 or so. This is strictly optional, but we’d love to see you all there.
High Sierra café 446 S Main St Lone Pine, CA 93545 (760) 876-5796
Saturday Hike Time: Arrive at Onion Valley trailhead by 6:50 or so, all ready to go for a precise 7:00 AM start!
Directions: From LP, drive north on 395 to Independence (approximately 20 miles, give or take). In the city of Independence, make a left on Onion Valley Road (Market street….Turn west on Market Street (that turns into Onion Valley Road) and follow the road 13 miles). Once you reach the parking area, the road splits and makes a circle, parking is in the center (there is more along the right side of the road to the actual trailhead (approx: 100 yards). As I mentioned, the road continues after the circle and passes the trailhead and continues into the camping area. There are both a restroom and a water faucet at the parking area.
After the hike, don’t forget the Potluck dinner at Doug’s Whitney Portal Hostel.
The address is 238 S. Main Street
Whitney Portal Camground – Want to stay there Friday and Saturday night? Spots still available at our reserved campsites. Please let us know if you want us to save you a spot ASAP. We are dumping any extra campsites Tuesday night (9/23). If interested, please send a PM.
Thanks! Paul & Phil
******** Lists of participants:
Here is the best info we have at this point in time: Please reply through this thread or through PM so we can get everything up to date.
Tom needs an approximate headcount for the number of hikers who want to summit Dragon.
Participating in the group hike: (If you plan on summiting or not):
Blooty Bob1957 Brent Coe Elmichael Elway GigaMike Gonehiking Hypoxic Zombie JayD Jeff Schofield Ken Lik2Hik Lovethesierras Mafiose13 MC Reinhardt Moosetracks Mountainboy11 Paul Snownymph Spinefixr TomcatRC
Will be Staying at the Whitney Portal Campground: (Still room available. PM me if you want us to save you a space. Sites are reserved for Friday night & Saturday night. Need to know by Tues. 9/23 – canceling extra sites that day):
Brent Coe Hypoxic Zombie Jeff Schofield Lik2hik Moosetracks Paul
Planning on going all the way to Dragon Summit : (you CAN change your mind during the hike)
Lik2hik Hypoxic Zombie MC Reinhardt Spinefixr Tomcat RC
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Due to some schedule conflicts, I will not be on this years group hike. I had some reservations about the climbing section on the top, so I delayed making a decision until it was too late to go.
I wish you all the best and will enjoy reading about the trip.
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Coming off an injury but, flesh willing, I'm up for the summit. Thanks again Tom for offering to lead. Heading up to the Portal Wednesday late if all commitments are resolved. See y'all there!
"The child is within me still...and sometimes not so still!" -Mr. Rogers
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I'll be joining the group going to the summit also.
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I'll be joining the group going to the summit also. That's the best news I've heard all day!
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mmmmm - lots of virgins to sacrifice to the Dragon
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I'll be joining the group going to the summit also. Stud... 
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Moosie , Way to face your fears girl....soon you will be free soloing 5-8s n 5-9 exposed faces. GO TEAM HYPOXIA! 
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If anyone is interested, Phil, Jay and I will be meeting at the Alabama Hills cafe at 8am on Friday. Afterwards, we plan on a day hike out of the Portal. If you happen to be in Lone Pine on Friday, you're more than welcome to join us.
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Dern work schedule... Poop. Too many people getting sick this week...  I'll see you guys at the Store around 4:30. -L 
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I'm going to really miss this - haven't posted or hiked for about a year and was trying to fit this in and a trek with my son. We just happpened to find an abandoned hiking dog, so the three of us are going for four days to break in Zip's new saddlebags and four doggie-boots (with Vibram soles) - hope to do Banner, Ritter, and Lyle while you all are pahteeing - hope to meet most next year.
Moose - did you end up smoking along Taboose pass?
Happy Dragon slaying, Tony B.
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I'm planning on joining the hike, but not summitting.
Something I've not heard anyone mention, is the altitude. I know that one of the factors working against me is that I have no acclimatization, at all, and I do not respond well to that situation. OV trailhead is 9300ft Dragon summit is 12990 Upper Lake is 3500(sorry topo map read in meters - 11,500? )
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Bummmmmmer. I am really sorry ya'll it looks like i will have to work on Saturday. Last minute shift shuffle. I hope you will all have fun and please be safe (as in don't be talking on your cell phones while on a cliff or something ....like some people do/did)
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Everyone have a great (and safe) time. I've been trying to find a way to get there (last year was a blast), but w*rk is getting in the way. I'll be back next year.