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Originally Posted By BruinDave
And, while we're stating things for the record, the only thing the TudeDude has terrorized is a countless number of trails with his unfailing positive attitude and inspiration ... as for violence, well, that ain't Danu. Passionate about his beliefs, standards, and what's right, yes. Violent? No.

The edited quote was indeed sweeping and overbroad, and thus the probable reason for it's deletion or withdrawal.

But after thinking about it, though, I have seen one example of violence -- +@ti2d can scare away a bear from a campsite like no other. Truly a gift. And "peep" does not describe anything at all about my friend, especially his voice.

You're one of a kind, Gary.


Thank you, BruinDave, but I did have help from you and BruinJane in protecting my wife and her bagel from that hungry ol' bear (or was it a bruin?)! That bear had it comin' "hissing" at my wife! His running into your hammock and getting "clotheslined" hopefully taught that bear a lesson. That bear don't like us humans anynomore. I did notice some scat. Must've scared the "berries" out of him!

Making me feel like a Daniel Boone or something.grin

Okay, for the record, I hereby recant. M. Mouse and Bulldog34 thank you for "making me see the bigger picture." Great to have e-friends (ain't talking entrenching tool here now). Hope to see you two on the trail someday. Bulldog, hope to see you and Quillansculpture that week in July.

For the record (again), Danu (pron. dah-new) is a real sherpa. One of my hiking friends, who has tried to get to the top of Whit 4 times without success (talk about futility, but he never gives up), gave me the name because of my "sherpa"-ness-ist and it stuck. BruinDave knows who I am talking about and that is how BD calls me Danu now, too. My wife is known as...yep, you guessed it...Danuelle! Our team is known as Team Danu(elle). Yes, I do suffer an identity crisis now and then...


Yes, I can hear the Call of the Danu now...see what yah done did, BruinDave? grin

There is more to this board. I just gotta bite my lip and hold back sometime and not let the little stuff bother me.grin Just drop it like a bad habit. I am proud of what I did and I am proud of what I had become without sounding egoic.

Okay, where was I going with this...

Oh, I remember!


Journey well...
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Originally Posted By + @ti2d
Okay, where was I going with this...

Oh, I remember!


Now that's the 'Tude Dude we all know and love!

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Have fun, will travel...

Now that brings back memories...

That TV show "Have Gun Will Travel"

Wait, that was on another board...

Ruh we go again, Bulldog34!

Journey well...
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never ever trust peeps...with or without guns

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
Helen Keller
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Originally Posted By SanDi_carole
never ever trust peeps...with or without guns

grin Now that's funny. I have changed my post I did not bring up the gun topic, my comment was a joke, and I should have known better than to try my dry sense of humor here. Anyone who knows me, and that rules almost everyone on this board out, knows I love love love doggies and other animals. I have only shot at flying meals blush


Last edited by Blooty; 04/30/10 03:49 AM.
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Last edited by SanDi_carole; 04/30/10 05:04 AM.

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
Helen Keller
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Ha, the dreaded guns topic again, and it has to be associated with dog-doo?
I am of the opinion that guns kill people the same way eating utensils make some folks larger than the norm.
Met a seasonal ranger at the shooting range on Moncay of this week. He works in Yellowstone during the touristy summer season. Guess what?, he was zeroing in the sights and getting very acquainted with his 'bear gunS'. In Yellowstone the rangers consider dogs to be wolf and bear 'MAGNETS'.
IF you are on the trail with your unleashed dog and he gets quite a bit up the trail without you, and suddenly comes running back to his protector and provider, don't be surprised if a bear suddenly appears.......................steve

When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.
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" Now that's the 'Tude Dude we all know and love!"

Hey, I give the "Tude Dude" all of the credit for mentally pushing me up his Mecca West for the first time. If it wasn't for his unfailing and unselfish words of wisdom, I don't think I could have sat on top of Whitney.

You da man, Gary!

Kandy (still Dancing with Koyotes!)

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. John Muir
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I recall hearing the argument that, if toy guns were banned, kids would just simulate guns with sticks. Or their fingers. Not a bad argument, by the way.

I suppose that one could now argue that, if the WPSMB banned gun-related topics, the denizens could turn any topic into a gun debate.

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As an artist, a business owner, a father and someone who has been around firearms my entire life, I have a strong belief on the initial subject and agree with Gary (Bulldog34).

I like Dogs

These three are my Akita Daphne, who passed away a couple of months ago. Aldo, our rescue Border Collie mix and our newest rescue, Tenaya, our blonde bombshell.

"Turtles, Frogs & other sculpture raised in a Gallery-friendly Environment"
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Well ... since I started this thread i may as well make another comment. I'll betcha that if Blooty and Positive sat down and had all you can eat fish and chips together Blooty would say "I mean that I just hate the fact that any human being would ever harm any other human being anywhere on earth." And Positive and Blooty would then exchange a mutual "I love you man." Sorry to put words in your mouths - those are actually just my words. And I'll bet we're all pretty close to being on the same page, with the hating of violence and terrorism - and frustratingly expressing our grief over dead loved ones (and dead and injured unknown fellow humans) in different ways - and having different ideas on the solutions to the problem of hatred. Love all my bro's and sisters out there. Pos Att, I would really love to see you scare the ____ out of a bear, and now having met you have no doubt you would - Let's go looking for one on Central Camp Road soon. I'll chase it towards you - and then if it seems to not fear me, please save my A__. If I got it right, a big part of our freedom is based on tolerance - and I think I see a lot of tolerance here on this board - even encouragement to be who you are - it's great. Love my dogs too, and you'll never see their poop anywhere but in a plastic bag en route to an appropriate waste container.

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Leave your poor puppies at home! But if you really want to take them with you, I'd advise a little climbing practice for them.

There is an easy climb on the Cardinal Pinnacle, just down the hill from Lake Sabrina, outside of Bishop. The climb is known at the "Dog Route", because an early ascender of that route took his dog with him. It's probably less than 5.6, and the descent is easy scree and talus (something like the MR). If your dogs can handle that, the MR might be a piece of cake for them. Ask at Wilson's Eastside Sports for direction to the climb (be prepared for gales of laughter).

But remember that when you ask your dogs for their permission, what they hear is "Blah, blah, Rover, blah, blah, blah..." They haven't a clue what you are asking of them!

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Originally Posted By Blooty
Originally Posted By SanDi_carole
never ever trust peeps...with or without guns

grin Now that's funny. I have changed my post I did not bring up the gun topic, my comment was a joke, and I should have known better than to try my dry sense of humor here. Anyone who knows me, and that rules almost everyone on this board out, knows I love love love doggies and other animals. I have only shot at flying meals blush


All is forgiven...

Time to hit the trails and...

Have fun.

Journey well...
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Originally Posted By ynottony
Well ... since I started this thread i may as well make another comment. I'll betcha that if Blooty and Positive sat down and had all you can eat fish and chips together Blooty would say "I mean that I just hate the fact that any human being would ever harm any other human being anywhere on earth." And Positive and Blooty would then exchange a mutual "I love you man." Sorry to put words in your mouths - those are actually just my words. And I'll bet we're all pretty close to being on the same page, with the hating of violence and terrorism - and frustratingly expressing our grief over dead loved ones (and dead and injured unknown fellow humans) in different ways - and having different ideas on the solutions to the problem of hatred. Love all my bro's and sisters out there. Pos Att, I would really love to see you scare the ____ out of a bear, and now having met you have no doubt you would - Let's go looking for one on Central Camp Road soon. I'll chase it towards you - and then if it seems to not fear me, please save my A__. If I got it right, a big part of our freedom is based on tolerance - and I think I see a lot of tolerance here on this board - even encouragement to be who you are - it's great. Love my dogs too, and you'll never see their poop anywhere but in a plastic bag en route to an appropriate waste container.

Well, said, ynottony! You're on for Central Camp. Hopefully we will spot a feral pig more than a bear! Great chatting with Steve C, wagga, and you at the Brew House!

Time to have fun.

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Originally Posted By KandyKlaus

" Now that's the 'Tude Dude we all know and love!"

Hey, I give the "Tude Dude" all of the credit for mentally pushing me up his Mecca West for the first time. If it wasn't for his unfailing and unselfish words of wisdom, I don't think I could have sat on top of Whitney.

You da man, Gary!

Kandy (still Dancing with Koyotes!)

Didn't I tell you you had it in you all along? wink

Thank you for you very kind words.

Maybe (thanks to BruinDave and BruinJane on their primo spot at WP #44), my wife and I will try Mecca West 07-28-10. Now, I emphasize MAYBE. Have to secure the walk-in. Will see after our little trip on July 16-18 to LP Campground.

Those Koyotes should be used to you by now! Hope all is well with you and Ashley in OC.

Have fun.

Journey well...
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Can't go anywhere without your dog? How sad for your dog.

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Dogs are not allowed in the National Park. Why do you even bring the subject up?
Smells like a public opinion ploy.

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If you love your dog , leave it at home ! Domesticated dogs don't mix well with wild animals . Your lovely , sweet friendly pet can scare wild animals by leaving their scent by water sources. This can cause wild animals to stay away from their drinking areas , not good .
A pet becomes more of a liability on the mountain . A group is as strong as it's weakest member , this may well be your own pet . Apart from poop scooping are you prepared/able to carry your animal for many hours if it gets hurt .
There have been stories of dogs running off and not being able to find their owner in the Sierra . A few times dogs have been re-united with their owners back down in the Owens Valley , almost starving and in bad condition .
A lot of extra risk for one special dog walk !
just a few thoughts.............

Who Dares Wins
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I'll second that and reemphasize that dogs aren't allowed in either Yosemite or Sequoia Kings National Parks -- which includes the summit trail to Whitney. The citation is as close to automatic as we friendly ranger types give -- haven't run into an acceptable excuse in years, though people keep trying ("I didn't know I was in the Park"; "I didn't see the sign"; "It's a trained avalanche dog."....).


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We ran into a guy with a big retriever on the trail going into the Sawtooth Ridge. "It's not a pet. It's my guard dog to protect me from the bears."

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