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HI MOM! What I would have written in the Summit Register, had there been one. Celebrating summit number 75 on top of Mt. Whitney. I did a MR -> Main Trail Loop that went from being ectasy (sub-five hours without even trying) to AGONY... Post-hole hell from when I dropped down from the Tina Tretina Traverse to where the snow disappeared well below Lone Pine Lake. I would imagine it would have been even worse had I stuck to the Main Trail terrain. A word of advice if you're going up any time in the next few weeks... Travel EARLY and camp EARLY! (Or get ready to swim.) The rest of the photos.
Last edited by Richard P.; 05/11/10 01:09 AM. Reason: 6 people heading down... 3 heading up! 4 more on the MT side! 2 of them Rangers.
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Thanks for sharing Richard and congrats on the awesome time! You were a monster on that climb! I'm heading up with a group this Friday on the main route. Those traverses look pretty wicked but I'm confident we can do it. What was the situation at the switchbacks? Covered? Exposed? I'm wondering if we should just plan on hiking up the chute. I've only been once before and it was July so I don't have much experience with the snow. Any advice would be appreciated.
Last edited by AndyGator; 05/11/10 06:18 PM.
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Holy superman!! Stellar time!! What was in that cake :-D ?
Last edited by luciano137; 05/11/10 06:17 PM.
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CONGRATS on #75, Richard!!!  And I have to ask, where is the TT Traverse???
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Alright Richard only 25 more to go this year big guy......I know for #100 you'll invite the rest of us right???????
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I'm wondering if we should just plan on hiking up the chute. Yes. There are several good boot tracks leading up and down.
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CONGRATS on #75, Richard!!!  And I have to ask, where is the TT Traverse??? Tina got lost in the dark many years ago and ended up traversing to Consultation Lake very high on the shoulder of Candlelight and Irvine. I laughed hysterically at the time (Female version of Wrong Way Ray.  ), but it is acutally a good route to use because that slope does not receive direct sunlight and therefore, doesn't soften up like the snow lower down towards where the usual route goes. I'll see if I can't find a pic of the route.
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Alright Richard only 25 more to go this year big guy......I know for #100 you'll invite the rest of us right??????? I think I'll try and get 98, 99 and 100 done in one day.  Yes, you can carry me up for the final one. Thanks, Bruno.
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CONGRATS on #75, Richard!!!  And I have to ask, where is the TT Traverse??? Tina got lost in the dark many years ago and ended up traversing to Consultation Lake very high on the shoulder of Candlelight and Irvine. I laughed hysterically at the time (Female version of Wrong Way Ray.  ), but it is acutally a good route to use because that slope does not receive direct sunlight and therefore, doesn't soften up like the snow lower down towards where the usual route goes. I'll see if I can't find a pic of the route. I actually remember reading Tina's TR! Didn't know her 'off trail' had become the TT Traverse. Like it! Yeah, would be interested in seeing a pic...
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Excellent work Richard, 75 times!!! This means you spend a lot of time on the mountains. I'm curious to find out why you aren't interested in other Sierra peaks. There are so many more peaks out there that are as asthetic and rewarding as Whitney.
When in doubt, go up.
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Excellent work Richard, 75 times!!! This means you spend a lot of time on the mountains. I'm curious to find out why you aren't interested in other Sierra peaks. There are so many more peaks out there that are as asthetic and rewarding as Whitney. I'm often wondering the same thing but I'm guessing it's just easy when you know the routes inside out. I've only been up Whitney once with not too much desire to do it again 
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Excellent work Richard, 75 times!!! This means you spend a lot of time on the mountains. I'm curious to find out why you aren't interested in other Sierra peaks. There are so many more peaks out there that are as asthetic and rewarding as Whitney. Kevin, I wouldn't say Richard is not interested in other Sierra peaks - just that he has a strong affinity for Whitney. His summer project blog posts from last year ( here) seem to have him bagging quite a number of other peaks. Congrats on # 75 Richard! 100 before year's end?
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Ditto on on the congrats!!! I've been up 12 times, but I know the number would be a lot higher if I lived closer. There's just something about that mountain.... I appreciated seeing the picture of the open register box (albeit no actual register for you to sign); I was happy to see our anniversary flyer still there 
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal." Albert Pike
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Congrats Richard....But don't look now, I'm only 74 behind you.
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Each time I drive to the Sierra I try not to do a repeat peak but that would be hard for Richard Mt. Goode is the only Sierra Peak I've done twice (as far as I can remember).
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Excellent work Richard, 75 times!!! This means you spend a lot of time on the mountains. I'm curious to find out why you aren't interested in other Sierra peaks. There are so many more peaks out there that are as asthetic and rewarding as Whitney. Thanks Kevin. First the smart *** remarks: - I went to the Palisades three times (one trip east, one trip west, one middle) last year! - No Whitney Portal Store at other trailheads. - No Doug Sr., Earlene, Doug Jr., Nick, Emily, etc. (Wait, these aren't SA remarks.) - My car refuses to go north of Lone Pine. On the serious side: I've never been bored by repetition. It started from when I was a young whipper-snapper and my dad taught me ski mountaineering. We always went to the same cabin and skied mostly the same routes year-after-year. I swam the same pool, raced the same motocross courses, cycled the same routes, climbed the same peaks for decades. I've been doing it with my w..... (better not go there). BTW: 75 is the number that I could prove if some day I happen to get enough summits to be in record territory. (I actually laugh when I write this stuff and I've made comments in the past about all the new records that people keep dreaming up. Meaningless BS.) I've probably done more. I don't keep a climbing log. That's why I usually add a plus to whatever number I write down. This year is going to be focused on section day-hiking the JMT and trying to get to 100 in '10, so I may not do anything other peaks this year. (Other than Owens, Morris, Jenkins, etc, that are in my front yard.) It is cool that there are people like Matthew Holliman, Bob Burd, Bruno, etc, who rarely, if ever, repeat a peak. I just don't fit in with that mold. Ending with another SA remark: There are plenty of peaks out there on lists that aren't worthy of being climbed. Other routes attain status because it's a macho thing to do. Mike asked if I was interested in the West Ridge of White a few weeks ago. My response: Why would I want to climb that P.O.S. route? To claim that I did? No thanks.
Last edited by Richard P.; 05/12/10 11:53 PM. Reason: Added Bruno to the "no repeats" list.
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I like the comment about “not fitting into that Mold” - I think it pretty much defines most of us. We all climb for different reasons…whether it’s personal satisfaction, personal challenge, training for an upcoming hike, camaraderie, or on a whim for something to do on a beautiful day….the list goes on, and every time we climb the reason is probably different as well. Like you, I enjoy repeating past hikes because it’s like coming home… that comfortable, content feeling that comes with seeing and being in these beautiful areas that have so many wonderful memories. I can’t imagine climbing any mountain only for the sake of “bragging rights”... to just say we did it. But then, it’s possible that someone new to climbing could look at any Trip Report and judge it as “bragging”. And if we look at it with an honest eye, I think we must admit that there IS an element of “bragging” in our reports…and there’s nothing wrong with that. I was pretty impressed when Laura did her hike up White Mountain a few months ago….P.O.S. route or not 
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal." Albert Pike
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……I've never been bored by repetition. …. Me too. I have no problem repeat hiking any mountain that I particular enjoy. Now repeating hiking isn’t such a big deal, but I got to confess that I sometimes repeat-read trip reports. I know that’s sick…..I need help 
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A little off topic but...
I moved to Ridgecrest about a year ago. I have mostly been doing day hikes by myself. Richard, I noted you are in Ridgecrest - is there a local hiking club? I certainly am not at your level - but I do okay. I have done Owens three times since I moved here. VERY nice photos, by the way.
Also, I am planning whitney main trail with my brother mid june. Turns out on base MWR will rent ice axe, crampons and helmet. Good prices too - $2 a day for axe and helmet, $5 for crampons. Total bill from June 16th to June 18th for me was $18. Just FYI for anyone around here w/ base access.
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I should add that I definitely repeat peaks locally and don't get bored by it either. Sometimes it's fun to exactly know what's coming; you really get to enjoy your environment then. The fact that I try to do different Sierra peaks is simply out of curiosity; seeing a new environment, trying a new route, enjoying a different summit view etc. If I keep doing this for many years to come, I'm sure I'll be doing some repeats simply because I enjoyed them the first time. If you like a certain beer, there's nothing wrong with drinking it more than once  I go up the skihut trail quite often for training (and because it's close) but still enjoy it each time. No negativity here Richard. I guess some of us just wonder what damage a guy with your capabilities could do in other parts of the Sierra 
Last edited by luciano137; 05/13/10 05:49 PM.