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I know this is a Whitney Board but today several people climbed Mt. Baldy in SoCal with Shin to celebrate his 200th summit climb. My wife and I had no idea a group had gotten together to do this but met the group a few hundred yards before the summit, as they were coming down and we were just reaching it. So cool to see so many folks celebrating the accomplishment. Although is was a quick hand shake and down he went, I was able to meet Shin, shake his hand, and hear my wife say, "Do you know everyone?" Well now I know one more.
We were doing another run at Baldy in prep for Whitney on August 10.
Congrates to Shin and thanks to all those who made the hike with him to celebrate.
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It is an amazing accomplishment years in the making. I say is and not was. There are bumper stickers that say, "No Bad Days". There should be one that says, "No Past Tense". "You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment." -Thoreau There was an overnight at the hut, full moon and bats, great company, surprises at the summit, and of course cupcakes. Many thanks to Mouse and SanDi_Carole for putting together a memorable celebration. Congratulations Shin! Here are some photos. http://s622.photobucket.com/albums/tt308/WPSMB/2010-06-24_Shin_Baldy_200/
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Hi all my hiking friends, There were many real friends showed to hike together on Mt. Baldy yesterday more than my wedding.
I ran into Mt. Baldy trails when I was taking my wife around to many nice and quiet places to get over her depression from hellish cancer treatments over 7 years ago. My first summit at Mt. Baldy was 6/27/2004 and ever since I escaped out to mountains whenever I could to cope with everyday stress. I needed this escape more than my wife did. Even though she was the one suffering every minutes. My wife's condition was stabilized and she made a good progress around the time I finished my 100th on 11/17/2007. I climbed Mt.Whitney on 9/05/2005 first time. I met Doug Sr at Portal and he gave me a lot of good advices. After this Whitney hike, I became interested in hiking more than before and kept on going back to Mt. Whitney at least once a year for a day hike and I have been hiking Mt. Baldy whenever I had a chance.
Yesterday I hiked with very special friends: The very first hiker I became friend on the trail,the hiker took me up to the summit in freezing cold weather on icy slope on my first winter solo hike,the hiker taught me snow hiking skills all day long in Ice house canyon,the hiker invited me for nice hot breakfast in freezing cold morning,the hiker who took me the main bowl straight up first time in winter,the hiker took me the main bowl straight up first time without snow,the hiker helped me when I got sick on Mt. Whitney,the hiker invited me in their privet hike and introduced me to many other hikers first time,the hiker took me up Mt. Whitney MR first time,the hiker who initiated the breakfast club(hiking on Saturday at 6:00)on Mt. Baldy ,the hiker named it BBC(Baldy Breakfast club),the hiker who asked my advice for hiking first time,the hiker trained together for other big mountains,the hiker helped me to come down from Helen lake to Bunny flat on Mt.Shasta, the experienced hikers whom I studied their photo albums for years, and many others friends who helped me.
The hiking with you has enriched my life so much.
Thank you very much everyone. Shin
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Congratulations Shin!!!!!
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Shin... Congratulations on your 200th Baldy summit! Outstanding! On my next time up Baldy, I hope you will join me. I will let you know. Keep climbing! 
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Shin takes a bow in front of a large crowd of people who showed up to share his 200th summit of Mt. Baldy. The man at right (Hamid) is at 300x+! Congratulations Shin! Keep it up! The rest of the photos.
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Hi MC, Thank you very much. Please call me any time when you arrive at LAX. I am ready to hike with you any time. I am practicing your quotation which Richard uses. Thank you for your encouragement. Shin
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Dude! Serious, what can you say about the ShinMeista? I first met Shin on Baldy. It was my first winter ascent and I didn't know how to put on my crampons. So here's this 6'4" sasquatch of a man asking, "uh, excuse me can you help me with my crampons". He goes, you have them on the wrong foot. We ended up summiting together that day and the friendship continues. What's funny, is on our Shasta trip I later found out he is born the same year as my Dad so he's more like a Father figure now than a friend. Some people may think that Shin "has allot to say". But I know this from experience I spent 3 days with him on Shasta. Nothing but good advice and knowledge comes out of this man. When he speaks listen. He either gives great advice or let's you know something about history that you didn't know. I mean he was born in 1849...Oops sorry 19 something.... Later my best main sucka in the whole world Zombie and I took Shin on San Gorgonio. Talk about humble the ShinMiesta runs up the North East Face of the summit and is waiting for us on the summit. Later he says in his so humble way thank you two for guiding me up this big impressive mountain. Next time I "guide" Shin up San Gorgonio I think I'll bring a short rope and have him pull me up the mountain. Shin you are one special Sensei. Wish you spoke Mandarin then on our hikes we could talk crap on everyone else!! JK!! Congratulations on your much anticipated 200th summit look forward to many more to come. Pics are below: http://picasaweb.google.com/Jeffscof/ShinS200thSummitOfMtBaldyWithTheWPSMBGang#
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Congrats Shin! #200, the bicentennial, the double century, 2 bucks, CC………  At ~4k gain per trip, I figure you’ve gotten about 150 miles elevation, WoHoo! Sorry, I missed the festivities. I hope to see you up there soon. Cheers, RickG
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It was a memorable day hiking with Shin and friends to celebrate his 200th ascent of Baldy. Spotted Carole hiding at the ski hut: More friends waiting to surprise Shin at the summit: Richard hauls Shin's pack up the final footage Shin, holding the flag he got when he became a US Citizen. Congratulations my friend...hope to celebrate many more summits with you.
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"Shin, holding the flag he got when he became a US Citizen"!
That is just our Shin! That's why never judge a person by the color of their skin. Shin bleeds Red White and Blue. He is more American than most people born here.....
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Hi Rick, Thank you very much. The DISTANCE of my hike is nothing when we compare the VERTICAL exposure of MITHRAL DIHEDERAL. I studied the photos of Wes's climb taken by GigaMike a few years ago. I want to watch how you practice in JT.
I know that Tony Condon and you were so strong like a wild animal when you hiked from Iron mountain to Mt. Baldy in cold and windy December several years ago.
I found the real GOLD in Mt. Baldy last Saturday.
Looking forward to hearing from your adventure soon.
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As always, it is and was a pleasure climbing with you on Saturday and I wouldn't have missed this last Saturday for the world. On many Saturdays we have met at 6 A.M. rain,snow or shine and walked the trail together and exchanged our ideas,opinions and philosophy's on life and the world. Through those many miles you have taught me much and I thank you for allowing me to be part of the numerous "summit Saturdays".
Remember as we always say "What's said on the mountain, stays on the mountain".
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Remember as we always say "What's said on the mountain, stays on the mountain". "What's said on the mountain, stays on the mountain and what we take away from the mountain, stays within us."
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Congrats Shin on 200 ascents of Baldy!
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CONGRATULATIONS, Shin!!!!!!  Oh Tracie, that picture of Richard carrying Shin's pack is hilarious!! Thanks for sharing!
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CONGRATULATIONS, Shin!!!!!!  Oh Tracie, that picture of Richard carrying Shin's pack is hilarious!! Thanks for sharing! What nobody has mentioned yet is that when I arrived at the summit, I had a really long face while I told the group in the first photo the Shin was having a really bad day and might not make the summit.
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CONGRATULATIONS, Shin!!!!!!  Oh Tracie, that picture of Richard carrying Shin's pack is hilarious!! Thanks for sharing! What nobody has mentioned yet is that when I arrived at the summit, I had a really long face while I told the group in the first photo the Shin was having a really bad day and might not make the summit. Oh you're so bad Richard! I love it!!! 
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So as we were climbing I heard someone say wonder what if Shin, Mr. Baldy, will stop climbing Baldy after #200? Let me just say doubters he killed that notion today by bagging #201 in 1hr 57 min and shortly thereafter bagging #202! Ok maybe not shortly thereafter, allot after… All day long we were talking about how incredible last year was when Rick Kent did it 5X and Richard and Erik K did it 4X. Coincidental we ran into an old friend today Alan K who did it 3X that day. On the way down we didn’t tell him we were coming back up. Congrats to Alan K’s wife who summited Baldy for the first time today. I was thinking I probably could have done one more today but 4-5X? No way. Great job Rick and Richard. We did miss your time by 10 min, maybe next time…..
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Just for clarification......Shin did a DOUBLE today on Baldy??????????????????...and the first one was 1:57??????