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As usual at the end of every year I ask the question how many summits did you get this year? And as usual I'll say please if this aint your thing just simply don't reply, rather than make some %$#@! comment. If you are not into keeping track of summits then what mountain meant the most for you in 2010? Was it a special climb with a family member. For instance my most memorable hike of 2010 was a non summit day. It was the day I took my 2 year old daughter to the register on the ski hut trail. Now forever I will call that rock up there "Whitney's Rock". Well once again I did not get up north to the sierra's but stayed local to be with the family. Here is my 2010 list: A total of only 39 peaks....I like these posts because I love reading about my fellow friends. Like last year looking at Richard's summits was aspiring, or one year when Kevin T wrote his list was pretty awesome as well....Happy New Year everyone..
San Gorgonio 8X Mt Baldy 23X Jepson Peak 3X Charleston 1X Little Charl 1X Alto Diablo 1X Shields Peak 1X Galena Peak 1X
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9 14ers in Colorado, all repeats, but still just as much fun as my lst one way back in 1958. Names other than Pikes Peak won't mean much to most of you. So, Pikes Peak 4 times, all different routes.
Brings me up to 347 successful summits of 14ers with many repeats obviously including Pikes Peak 30 times, which is nothing compared to Jack, Richard P and of course one of my heros, Bob R. and their many Whitney climbs.
For Bob P. I have turned back only 3 times due to severe weather on Whitney 1954, Little Bear 1992, and San Luis 1983 or I would have a round # of 350.
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I am preaching to the choir here but there is never enough time to do as much as you would like to do. I did Baldy about 6-8 times including a couple from the backbone Cucamonga Peak Kelly’s Camp and Ontario Peak Three Ts (up Icehouse Canyon and down the chair lift, best $8 you will ever spend) A few trips up to the Icehouse Saddle Couple small but beautiful mountains in and around Auckland, New Zealand JMT section from Tuolumne Meadows to Red’s Meadows Probably will do Baldy tomorrow on January 1
Ron harvest.org
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Jeff, great topic. I was lucky to hike with you and other great people this year.
There were a lot of special moments but like you I have to nominate a family hike this year again (in 2009 it was a family summit of Kearsarge Pass). In August 2010 my son and I did a Mountaineer's Route-Main Trail loop. And some fishing, boulder hopping, burger munching. A great time.
Other great times from 2010: -Alabama Hills group snow hike -Several Baldy and San G./Jepson hikes (winter and summer) -Whitney group snow campout and summit -Cucamonga Peak snow summit -Whitney group snow summit and posthole/simulated swim at Iceberg Lake -Dragon Peak summertime -Candlelight Peak group hike and polar bear swim -Whitney Father/Son Summit -Mt Russell east ridge summmit -All of those "9 Peaks" peaks you mentioned (since I was with you at the time, LOL) -Iron Mountain to Baldy traverse
Happy New Year everyone. All the best in 2011!
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I got 68 summits this year, but many of them were easy hikes on Mt. Rose or short ski trips on Mt. Houghton.
The one that stands out for me is the Whitney MR double climb in July.
Some of my climbs are trivial and some aren't, but I haven't attempted a climb without summiting since I was blown off Casaval Ridge in early 2003. That's 230 consecutive summits.
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Whitney (First Time) on a cold and windy trip in early June which included a memorable glissade and the biggest pancake I've ever seen.
White Mtn - on a shockingly cold summer night
San J - First winter asecent
San G - from Vivian Creek in early April. I have a new appreciation for those of you that make this slog all winter long!
Baldy, Harwood, W. Baldy - Multiple Times, all the ways.
Three T's
Ontario & Bighorn in a very memorable hailstorm
Grays & Torrey's - First CO 14ers for my wife, got followed by a bull moose. Saw our first Mtn Goats.
Sandstone Peak - Easily the most memorable, with my 18 month old - her first ascent! We climbed a very short but tricky rock section where she was nearly horizontal in the carrier, she was shouting whoa! whoa! and trying to grab the trees. I'll never forget it.
It's fun to look back on the year, great memories...thanks for the post. Looking forward to visiting more of the Sierra and the Cascades in 2011. Best of luck to you all and have a happy and safe New Year.
Reason has seldom worked because it has seldom been tried.
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170 summits for the year
Among some of the highlights:
hiking shotgun as Laura finished the SC on Morgenson
A couple of Whitney ascents in winter conditions, March 20 and the "MC" group hike up the MR. Baldy
Tagging some new Sierra peaks, including Keith, Cardinal, and others.
Already putting together the 2011 wish list (mineral king is high on the list)
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Lots of suff here in So Cal that everyone's already mentioned, and I've done numerous times before, so here's a few new ones for me:
Mt. Wittenburg. (all 1,450 ft of it!) during a backpack trip at the Point Reyes National Seashore. This has got to be one of the most inconsequential peaks I've ever hiked up; no view whatsoever from the fog and tree-shrouded summit.
Mt. Hollywood. Yep, all 1,650 ft of iconic Los Angeles peak above Los Feliz and the Griffith Park Observatory. Did it last week. High 'wimp' factor, but everyone should do it at least once on a clear winter day for the great view of Los Angeles.
Mt. Conness, North Peak, and White Mtn - Three +12,000 ft peaks just north of Tioga Pass, out of Saddlebag Lake.
Last edited by phydeux; 12/31/10 09:54 PM.
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I actually didn't get many this year due to weather and work... but the most special was for sure getting my wife's first summit of Whitney via the MR... she loved it and will be back in 2011!
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Although it was not a climb, I very much enjoyed the WPSMB group Baldy hike in November. I met a fantastic group of people and it was just a great day! Thanks for making me feel welcome! Susan.
Last edited by 31ruecambon; 01/01/11 03:17 AM.
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With all of the time I put into getting to 100 on Whitney, not a whole lot of other things happened this year.
I'm pretty proud of the fact that I'm still batting 1000 in Mexico.
I also pretty amazed that I'm still not bored by the Whitney area. I finished off the year with a tough climb up to LBSL today.
We'll see whether there'll be any motivation to have another year like last.
I'm looking forward to the WPSMB Gang heading down to Mexico next November.
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Richard you had yet again another amazing year! We were all glad to check out your pics and go on a few Baldy climbs with ya!
I'm in my house right now and it's 69 degrees thinking tomorrow night Ryan and I will be camping out in about zero degree weather!!! Do they make tents with heaters??????
Happy New year everybody!!!!
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While the quantity has gone down the last couple of years, the quality has gone way up. Without a doubt some of my most memorable trips ever, were this year.
Mt Baldy group hike in January Grand Canyon R2R2R in May Shasta in June Mt Russell Fishhook Arête in August Mt Baldy Run to the Top in September Orizaba in December
All day hikes except Orizaba which was 81 hrs LA to summit.
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Well, Mt. Baldy: A bunch of times (maybe 20), most were training. The fun summits were the group hikes Mt. Everest: A two-month summit trip that was the most difficult thing I have ever done on so many levels. Happy New Year Everyone! Larry and I are leaving in a few days for a SCUBA diving trip to Roatan. Nice warm water, sunny beaches, and a glass of red wine in my hand.
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Father/Daughter Whitney summit sept 23. Baldy Backbone trail 2x San Gorgonio vivian trail 1x Mt Powell 3x First year as a hiker.Now Im Hooked
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Congrats all on a great 2010…..keep on trucking into 2011 My 2010 tally (my top 3 get  faces): 3 volcanoes in Mexico; La Malinche, Iztaccihuatl and El Pico de Orizaba  Again big thanks to Richard P for making this trip happen  Whitney 4 times Russell 2 times; once up Mithral Dihedral thanks to Marty  Langley 1 time Baldy 21 times; getting back up Baldy on the way back from Iron on a Village-Iron-Village hike involved the most breathing  San Jacinto 2 times; once up Snow Creek  Joshua tree; 13 rock climbing trips Tahquitz/Suicide Rock; 4 rock climbing trips Happy New Year, Rick Graham
Last edited by graham; 01/01/11 06:50 PM.
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Not sure how many summits but Pisco in the Cordillera Blanca was awesome!
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My highlight was Mt. Baldy on August 14. That was the day my wife hiked up the mountain for the first time ever.
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Only California mountain in 2010 was Whitney via Kearsarge.
I was solo, but I was not.
Carried obituary of my friend Larry to the top. Larry was there before, and again with me in spirit, every step of the way. Very special. Harvey
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A good year for me - 56 peaks (31 new ones and 25 repeats), plus other assorted hikes including a R2R2R hike. My favorite was Diamond Peak in the Sierra at the end of May when the snow was perfect.
I hope everyone has a happy healthy 2011 and gets to spend lots of time in the mountains.