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I love the WPSMB and the Whitney Zone. I believe if you love the USA and all it stands for from the mountains, to the rivers, to the oceans, its animals, its plant life and ITS PEOPLE, then no matter which board you post on, you must be a good person in my book because I believe that only the very best of this country post on either board.
We are all prone to making a typo..... some people even leave out whole words all together in their posts, but because they have these two boards in common with me, I can generally figure out what they're trying to say because I understand them, because I love everything they love, that's why we're posting on the same boards. If I don't understand what they wrote, I simply ask them to clarify their post for me.
So, as the Beatles would say............."Let It Be".
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This morning, the "edit" button on my last post disappeared. so it looks like there is about a 12 hour window of ability to edit.
Is that what other people are finding, or is it just me? I think I noticed the same here. There are boards that only allow you to edit if you become a donating member (not the 'zone but eg the east coast whiteblaze thing - ticked me off, having to pay to correct a typo - WTF?)
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Carole, funny! Hiking in the Sierras at night has a black light effect sometimes, nature's velvet canvas.
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Agree on all counts... particularly our lost poster! I'd like to note that at the time I wrote this, there were only 2 points to agree with: A.) It should be at the individual discretion of each board member to edit his/her/it's own posts. B.) It's a loss to everyone when someone with experience, intelligence, a willingness to help educate, a flair for self-expression and the discretion for when to share decides to leave this board...for whatever reason! There's more than one person that fits this description. Seems like an awful lot of unrelated issues were introduced, an unnecessary number of wounds reopened, that weren't even remotely related to Ken's initial intent. This board has been more than just a guilty pleasure for me over the years and I have a great deal of respect and admiration for the majority of the people who make up this community. I've got no axe to grind and no grudge against those who do. Just think sometimes folks need to learn to forgive and, when practical, forget. Thank you as always Doug, for this priceless treasure.
"The child is within me still...and sometimes not so still!" -Mr. Rogers
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Afraid your suggestion that perhaps half the 500 people on the Whitney Zone paying $20 would equal $5,000 is way off. In fact, only 38 people of the 511 registered have paid which represents a little over 7.5% a far cry from your estimated 50%. I am registered and post on both sites and feel that facts are important & do not like to see anyone pegged as an insider or outsider or zoner. Each of the 2 sites has its own merit and some will find one site more to their liking, but in general information on Whitney & the general area is what they both are all about. Relax people and appreciate the wisdom and wonderful TRs and pictures that are posted on both sites.
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Afraid your suggestion that perhaps half the 500 people on the Whitney Zone paying $20 would equal $5,000 is way off. In fact, only 38 people of the 511 registered have paid which represents a little over 7.5% a far cry from your estimated 50%. I am registered and post on both sites and feel that facts are important & do not like to see anyone pegged as an insider or outsider or zoner. Each of the 2 sites has its own merit and some will find one site more to their liking, but in general information on Whitney & the general area is what they both are all about. Relax people and appreciate the wisdom and wonderful TRs and pictures that are posted on both sites. This is an important point. For someone to make up wild claims about thousands of dollars is simply uncalled-for. I happily coughed up a small amount of money when the other board started to help with expenses. A few others did the same. Since dads were mentioned, I will say that my dad would donate under similar circumstances because he believes in carrying his weight. But no pressure was applied and no one got rich. No one is missing out on posting because he/she did not kick in a donation. FWIW, I have contributed to similar enterprises and would happily donate to the WPSMB if the need arose.
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All facts and figures came from the President and Treasurer. You can be sure of the accuracy as the site is losing money. Here are some more Data (I'm too old and set in my ways to use Beta.)
For the year 2009: Income $619 Expenses 480.66 Net 138.34
For the year 2010: Income $150 Expenses 534.19 Net -384.19
2011 Budget $318
Also the amount paid by the 38 averaged $31 and not just $20. I can't speak for the other 37 as to why they paid up but something I read on the Whitney Zone appealed to me and I wanted to support the group effort after over 2 years of not paying. I actually did not know that I would get the label of being a WHA member as that did not mean anything to me or give me any extra status, which I don't need.
I posted all this in detail mainly for the others on the WPSMB since I know you are set in your mind. Even if you are a Troll you might want to log into the Whitney Zone and see more about what is going on there & be better informed. By the way how are things in Torrance?
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Perhaps they are nice people who believe in the importance of what the board is doing.
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As a runner for over 30 years and a Coach for nearly 20 years, I am actually interested in what your 5 mile run time was. See I put more emphasis on running achievements than Mt Whitney and climbing accomplishments as that is more my background. That is were I achieved my status, not from being a WHA member. I have been going to the Sierras since 1948 and still get alot of good info from both boards.( I said I was old)
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CMC....I'm sure the poster doesn't' realize who you are, what your credentials are, etc. Scree, if you're not a troll, you are absolutely sounding like one. And the person you are writing about is not just a runner, but a very well known world class runner.
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Sorry but I ran 5 miles in the 25:20 minute range, but that was on a track, not a beach or a road and I was a heck of alot younger. so don't try to match track accomplishments with me. You would be correct if I had to do 5 miles today anywhere near your projected time as I would not be able to come close anymore.
Think this is getting well off the board topic and I plead guilty for part of the wandering. Back to the Basketball game where I am rooting for Dallas.
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Joe, I appreciate you and Gary championing my cause but in keeping with my history of privacy and trying to remain modest lets not go into any more details other than that I love to climb high & that is why I am on both boards.
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Done.....and I'm rooting for the Lakers. Oooops, too late.
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I'm really baffled by all the conversation about not being able to edit a post. As far as I know, you can edit your post before anyone has responded to it, I have done this many times.
As far as having to be a WHA Member in order to edit is totally Bogus information. I was a non-member for a long time and I could always edit my posts. Being a member doesn't dictate if you are able to edit posts or not.
As far as who is maintaining both boards may be bogus info as well. I think everyone should check their facts before they argue, complain, criticize and be down-right cruel to their fellow man and woman. These boards were not created for vicious intent such as I read in this thread. We're adults, and we're on this board to help one another and we should be setting examples and teach younger generations about the joys of the outdoors and to teach them to be safe. If you'll all take a moment to check out the tips for using the board which are posted on the Whitney Zone, you'll learn a lot about editing posts and more. I copied a couple of the tips for your easy access.
The most important thing you can do is click the preview button directly next to the submit button and read what you wrote.
Have a great evening and may you have a wonderful Memorial Day and take the time to thank the brave soldiers who have fought for your freedom so that you may post on boards like the WPSMB and the Whitney Zone. Make Peace, Not War.
TIPS: Editing previous posts If a previously submitted post becomes obsolete, it can be edited by clicking on the Edit link below the post. When the icon is clicked, a new window pops up with the original text displayed inside a text box. Users can scroll though the text, make any changes, and click the Change Post button to save the update. Nonetheless, it is a good idea to click the I want to preview my changes button first to verify that the text (and any embedded UBB Code or HTML enhancements) display correctly. Note: Once a post is stored, you cannot change the UBB Code or HTML options of the post.
The originator of a topic also has the option of renaming the subject of the topic by editing the first post in the topic. A text box with the subject appears above the text of the first post. Either box can be edited. If you change your mind and would like to abort the editing, click your browser's "back" button.
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The "edit" feature has always been not allowable after a certain period of time. So it is possible the original poster was trying to edit after the "time expired".
As for the basketball game - who can watch a basketball game with playoff hockey in progress. I'm just saying.
Last edited by tomcat_rc; 05/26/11 02:37 AM. Reason: spelling
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I wonder if anyone gives speed records for being able to drop a side topic.
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Wow, All this drama is pretty amazing...came up like a summer Sierra storm....hope it disappears just as fast!
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Who is the blonde who is standing on the outside on the "In crowd" poster.
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There was this monastery nestled high in the Sierras right up there next to God. All of the monks took a vow of silence that was only suspended for one day a year, that being Thanksgiving. During the year the monks would work on the trails, repair runoff channels, move boulders, plant native wildflowers and generally commune with God. And finally as the temperatures cooled and snow settled at higher elevations, it was time for their yearly thanksgiving dinner. They kept the dinner simple...a roast turkey, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli....After all of the monks had eaten their dinner, Father Bob announced "Brothers, as you know, every year on thanksgiving we dispense with our vow of silence for just one day, have any of you anything you would like to talk about?"...all of the monks are quiet until finally Brother Doug slowly raises his hand...Father Bob says: "Yes Brother Doug, do you have something you would like to say?". Brother Doug says rather sheepishly "I think that the broccoli is a little bit overdone". Father Bob responds "Thank you for your input Brother Doug, do you have anything else to add?"...Brother Doug just shakes his head. Father Bob then says "as is our tradition we will now resume our vow of silence. God Bless you all.
Another year goes by of tending the trails, communing with God, planting native wildflowers and once again it is Thanksgiving. Like the previous year, the monks have a roast turkey, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. And once again, Father Bob suspends the vow of silence "Happy Thanksgiving my Brothers, does anyone have anything that they would like to talk about now that we have suspended our vow of silence?" Brother Steve raises his hand and Father Bob says "yes, Brother Steve, what would you like to talk about?". Brother Steve says quietly "I think that the broccoli is a little bit under cooked". Father Bob responds "OK, well thank you Brother Steve. Does anyone have anything else they want to talk about?"....no response.
Again, another year passes of tending trails, moving downed trees, communing with God, tending gardens. And once again it is time for Thanksgiving dinner with the roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. And once again, Father Bob suspends the vow of silence. "Brothers, once again I invite you to talk about whatever interests you as our vow of silence is once again suspended for this day...does anybody have anything that they would like to say?" Brother Richard raises his hand sharply with a stern look on his face. Father Bob calls on him "yes Brother Richard, did you have something you would like to say?" Brother Richard snaps "If all of this bitching about the broccoli doesn't stop, I'm leaving!!!!"
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o.k. ... If I've posted it once, I've posted it at least a few times: "Leave the drama in the theater." m.c.