I hit the trail at 6:15 this morning,yes the road was icey,right away I noticed no footprints so it must have snowed Sunday night.4 or 5 chutes(gullys) on the way to the hut I noticed that there were slides, the biggest gully before the hut I waded across waist deep..got to the hut at 8:10 and it was 13deg.I tried different ways to the hut trying to stay high but after knee deep and at times thigh deep I went lower..
I did not go up main bowl knowing the the fresh snow would be that sinking feeling..Did not matter, from the hut to the summit I went though ankle,calf,knee,and waist deep snow.I started though the trees and then cut right so I could walk the west ridge, as soon as I hit the top of the ridge the flying snow started,when the gust weren't happening it was very nice out.The higher I went up the longer the breaks I took, alot of the day going up I would take 5 steps and rest, there were times the snow was so soft on small incline humps I would get no traction and have to swim over the hump.
At the summit(12:15) it was 11deg.when I got there there was no wind dropped my bag and started to have lunch that didn't last long as a gust of wind came up and didn't let up,grab my camera to take a couple more pictures and my hand were numb and swollen that fast, tried to put gloves on and only got them on 3/4 of the way my hands were like two ballons, grabbed my pack and went behind the bush just off the summit a little better but my hands were wet and swollen couldnt get them on, I took my gloves off and put my other gloves on stuck my right hand in my pocket and in 15min. my hand was normal again..
On the way down from the summit it was more of knee deep snow around the west part of the chutes on the west side I hit a spot where I was wadeing waist deep got out of there as soon as I could..
Went down the west bowl twice I tried to glissade but was to soft, at the top of the bowl it was knee deep in the middle it was thigh deep with styrofoam type snow..Got to the hut stream and filled up with water and food and the first two people I saw all day walked by..the 3rd person I saw at the register was karen and she was just going to the hut..3 people all day..
As I was breaking trail today I was thinking of richard and gigamike all the times they broke trail at whitney, you have to give it to those two as they had it alot harder then me..my legs got a workout today...
Patrick I doubled the chips in the cookies

Such beauty,fresh snow no foot prints..
Just another bitchen day on Baldy
Baldy 3-19-2012