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Last time I was there, YES, needed a pass. OH, the great advantages awaiting ALL folks of a certain age (old geezerhood) -----> Senior Nat.Parks & Fed. Rec. Lands Pass == $10.00 for a LIFETIME PASS !!!!! Love IT.
When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes. Erasmus
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I've never been up Baldy, but I'm sure looking forward to it!!! I see the makings of a Baldy Virgins t-shirt.  Polypro, of course. ...of course!!  I'll wear it if you do, Karin! Hey Mark, thanks for the reference pics! BTW... did you pick up on the hint regarding you maybe making/bringing some of those famous cookies of yours? (I think it was from James early on in this thread?) Hmmmmm?
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal." Albert Pike
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Hi Stacy, I only know this much about the adventure pass. You don't need an adventure pass in any commercial area such as Baldy village business area,trout pond,and Ski lift parking lot.
I think we may need a pass at Manker Flat parking or Ice house canyon parking lot. I seldom see a ticket left on car without a pass. There are more people have a pass in the group so we can help each other. The pass is not issued for specific individual with specific identification. I'll contact you.
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I've never been up Baldy, but I'm sure looking forward to it!!! I see the makings of a Baldy Virgins t-shirt.  Polypro, of course. ...of course!!  I'll wear it if you do, Karin! Might have a mighty-short shelf life, though.... Hoping....
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Ok Shin! Thank you! We have a Nat'l Parks pass that will work. I was concerned about Rosie and MC since they are out of state...
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I would really love to make this one, it will have to be a last minute decision though. As far as the pass is concerned if you don't have one, the ticket just enforces the buying of a pass, either a one day or a year, so don't worry about it. Dave
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The pass is a national forest adventure pass not a parks pass. They sell them at REI, one day was $5.
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Count me as a maybe. Yes, all the way from Virginia, but my son who lives in Las Vegas is returning from Macau that week, so I may just swing by and see him, Baldy for the first time, and all of you. Harvey
PS: can anyone recommend a place the night before with some altitude? I'd like to spend a night up high somewhat to help with acclimatization. Some of the places I googled look to be only 4,000 ft, any higher?
Last edited by h_lankford; 12/03/12 03:16 AM.
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If you have a National Parks pass, you can use it, but you better have the holder that shows the date of its expiration. I got a "ticket" once when I left just the card on the dash. Like KW, I just throw them away.
I don't know of anything that's higher then the place in Baldy Village unless you head over to Big Bear, but that would be a long drive to Manker Flat.
Last edited by Richard P.; 12/03/12 03:46 AM.
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Thanks Richard! Can I hang it so that the back of the card shows with the expiration year and the month punched through?
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Thanks Richard! Can I hang it so that the back of the card shows with the expiration year and the month punched through? The card should be displayed signature side visible. As in: "HANGTAGS A pass can either be displayed on your rearview mirror using a free hangtag or on your dashboard with the signature side showing. Remember, the hangtag itself is only a way to display your Pass, and is not valid for entry unless it holds a valid Pass." from: http://store.usgs.gov/pass/annual.htmlDale B. Dalrymple
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Thanks Dale! I think I have it figured out now. Are you going to the party?
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Thanks Dale! I think I have it figured out now. Are you going to the party? I'm a definite maybe. It depends on whether that week is mine or I spend it on jury duty. If it's mine I may be packed to start a trip to Mammoth, Nevada, Utah?, Colorado?? via Manker Flats. Dale B. Dalrymple
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HI All,(We Might have to reserve the entire Baldy Loge for the Whitney Gang)
I posted the event on FB but some of you aren't on facebook. We are going to celebrate Shin's #300th summit of Mt Baldy an impressive feat. Meet up is at Manker Flat at 6:15am. We will go up the ski hut trail wait on the summit for everyone for a group photo then head down to lodge for grub, spirits and great times! Shin is working on getting someone to open the hut incase of weather issues or someone wants to stop at the hut and warm up.
Date: Dec 15th Time: 6:15am Place: Manker Flats
Current Participants:
Shin Jeff Scofield(There are vegas odds if I'll actually show up 3:1 is opening bet) Patrick Carmen Ty Sutherland Carole Tracie Hiking Jim Kristine Lim MC Yes The MC! Rosie yes Washington Rosie and her bro Ken Rosie Breen Tony Yeary Mark Corie Stacy and Curt James L Cat B Zach Cyrus Randy S Burt W Green Mountain Boy HikerGirl (Joyce) Richard P Edith Martin
Maybes Wes Tina Karen Sooz Ron Case Laura Wong Ernie Back Dale
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Suggestion. Cross out the second Rosie mention, and put Akichow there instead. Seriously. I take showers. I don't sing Britney Spears songs out loud while I hike. And it's increasingly rare that I slip and accidentally impale myself or someone else with my ice ax, and when it does occur, the injuries are usually not too fatal. 
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Harvey, if Manker Flats Campground is still open, it is at 6,000 feet and is across the street from the trail head.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but Rosabella from Washington and Rosie from San Diego are two different people????
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Not that I know of, only one person. She is from San Diego area a long time ago but now resides in Washingon state. Has many family members still living in the San Diego area.
Also Ernie Back is an entirely different person from me, as I will be unable to join the Baldy climb.
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Hi See if I can go? Thanks Doug
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I don't know if this question has been thoroughly beaten to death yet. You DO need an adventure pass to park at the Manker Flats (Falls Rd) parking area (unless you have a lifetime geezer pass). People DO get ticketed, especially on weekends. Passes can be bought at many places including REI, the M.B. Village visitors' center, the trout ponds, and a place on the right at the junction of the Mt. Baldy road and the entrance to Icehouse Cyn parking area but I wouldn't count on any of those places being open at 6 AM.
The entrance road into the Manker Flats campground was closed last week. If anyone is thinking of camping there they should check beforehand.