So, basically, I'll just agree with everyone else that this was another GREAT get-together! Ken and I got into Lone Pine about 10:00 AM and went over to the Film Museum with Karin (she'd never visited the museum before)... I never get tired of that museum or the short film (with the Statler Brothers singing "Whatever Happened to Randolph Scott" for the final credits).
Later eight of us toured Manzanar. What a sobering reminder of what we are capable of doing out of fear. The museum was VERY interesting; the short film played in the museum theater was so well done.
The potluck was so much fun... and I must say, I think Doug stole the show in his tutu that Tracie made. Tracie took his comment "I'll only wear a tutu if you can find one in camouflage" to heart and made one!! As usual, there was an abundance of GREAT food... however this time those of us who were hiking had to restrain ourselves from over-eating (probably a good thing... LOL!)
The Moonlight hike was nothing short of AMAZING!! There were 10 of us... and Doug, in his usual style, made this trip so interesting - stopping our group occasionally to give bits of information on the area. I haven't been on a moonlight hike in years... and the rock formations in the Alabama Hills with the backdrop of the Sierra were just so beautiful!! After the "first aid on the trail" was handled and hikers/cars shuttled, we got back to the Hostel about 2:00 AM or so, and started in on "round 2" of the feast
Kristine and Norm joined us all for breakfast at the Alabama Hills Café... I was so glad to get to see them before ken and I had to head south.
I'll finish this by saying that these get-togethers.... being with all of you.... is so very, very special. I am blessed to have been born into a very loving family, and I am blessed to be a part of this mountain family as well. I could get very sentimental right now, but suffice it to say that I love my mountain family.
The rest of my pictures are here:!i=2853825431&k=mpd8DwF