We went up the Backbone yesterday (11/24) from the Notch to Baldy Summit. Cold & windy-clouds and snowfall starting around 8000ft, with 50-100ft visibility. A lot of snow on the mountain, with 3-4ft drifts on the ridge and icy patches on a few of the exposed sections. The big snowfield going up to the summit of Harwood was somewhat eerie in the low light and wind-something of a moonscape stretching up forever. Around 9500ft we starting coming up out of the clouds, and upon reaching the summit emerged into a brilliant, beautiful, and very cold day. Didn't take a thermometer, but I'd say the windchill was near 0. Overall a very good day to be there.
A lot of beautiful snow & ice covered trees

Heading up the trail from the end of Backbone Rd.

One of the narrow sections of the Backbone.

The vast snowfield going up to the summit of Mt. Harwood

Crossing the saddle between Harwood & Baldy- very cold & windy here.

Starting to break through the clouds

Nothing but sunshine and freezing fingers up top!

The clouds mostly burned off while we were on top, and visibility was great on the way down

Baldy Bowl from the Notch

Beautiful sunset from the Notch